Bushmaster Ar 15 Owners Manual Pdf Download

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Bushmaster Ar 15 Owners Manual Pdf Download

Bushmaster Ar 15 Owners Manual Pdf Download


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Bushmaster Ar 15 Owners Manual Pdf Download

If there is anything you do not understand, get help from someone qualified in the safe handling of firearms. BFI OP. MANUAL PDF Version FUNDAMENTAL RULES FOR SAFE GUN HANDLING ALWAYS KEEP THE GUN POINTED IN A SAFE DlRECTlON.C AUTI O N: USE ONLY CLEAN, DRY, HIGH QUALITY COMMERCIALLY MAN UFAC TUR ED A MMUN IT I O N IN GOOD CON D I TI ON wh ich is a p pro pria te t o the.22 3 Rem. cal i b er of yo u r f ir ear m. W e do no t r e com men d t he u se o f re man u f act ure d or han d l o ade d a mm uni tion bec aus e i t ma y da mag e you r ri fle. Us e of i mpr ope r amm u n it ion wil l in val ida te yo ur war rant y. W A R NIN G: THI S WE APON CO ULD CHAM BER A R O U ND if i t is dro pp e d or j arr ed w ith a l o a ded m a gaz ine i n pla c e - e i t he r wi t h t he B olt Carr ier Ass emb ly lo cke d t o t h e re a r, or in its f orw ard po si t i o n. Howe ve r, if you cann ot rem ov e it wi th in 10 seco nd s, rem ov e ma ga zi ne a nd w ai t 15 m in ut es w it h th e ri fl e po in ti ng i n a sa fe d ir ec ti on. Th is w ay y ou wo n' t ge t hurt by a pos si bl e roun d “coo k in g- of f” (i. e. the rou nd det on at in g jus t fr om the he at of th e b ar re l).Right, an early A1 Upper Receiver (note the rear sight differences). A2 “SQUARE” FRONT SIGHT POST (A Round Post can be found on some A1 models. Bushmaster only uses the A2) CARRYING HANDLE (A3 Removeable type is illustrated at lower left.) SLIP RING (DELTA RING) Point Rifle in a SAFE DIRECTION. Place Safety Selector Lever on SAFE. (If the rifle is not cocked, the Selector Lever cannot be pointed toward SAFE.) 1.) Press Magazine Catch Button and pull Magazine down to remove. 2.). Press bottom of Bolt Catch and allow Bolt to move forward until it engages Bolt Catch. Return Charging Handle to forward. If you haven't before, place Safety Selector Lever on SAFE. 3.) Check Receiver and Chamber to ensure there is no ammunition in the rifle. 4.

  • bushmaster ar 15 owners manual, owners manual for bushmaster ar 15.

) With Selector Lever pointing toward SAFE, allow Bolt to go forward by pressing upper portion of Bolt Catch. 5.) STOP The Handguards may be disassembled at any point in your cleaning procedures as necessary (see Pg. 27 - “Buddy System” instructions). If your Rifle is equipped with the A3 Type Removeable Carry Handle, that may be removed for cleaning by loosening the 2 thumbnuts. Clean as per instructions for aluminum Upper and Lower Receivers (see Pg. 16). Lightly lubricate the thumbnut threads and the Rear Sight mechanism (as described on Pg. 21 - Lubrication - Adjustable Rear Sight). When your firearm has not been fired, you should clean it at least once or twice a year if you live in a temperate climate, or as often as once a week in a tropical climate. If you get your firearm wet, clean it as soon as possible. After you have disassembled the rifle, thoroughly clean, inspect and lubricate all parts according to the techniques described on following pages. CLE ANIN G THE BORE: The bore of your Bushm ast er rifl e has lands and gro oves cal led rifl ing. Rif lin g mak es the bullet spi n ver y fast as it moves dow n the bor e and down range. It is diffi cult to push a new, stiff bore bru sh thr ough th e bore. You will find it much easier, and m ore effe ctiv e, to p ull you r bore brus h thr oug h the bore. Also, bec aus e the brush will clea n bet ter if the brist les follo w the groov es (this is call ed track ing), you want the bor e bru sh to be allowe d to turn as you pul l it throu gh. Alwa ys clean from fro m ch amb er towa rd the muz zle. T his is how yo u do it: 1.) Swa b o ut the bor e w ith a p atc h m oist ene d w ith “CL P”. 2.) Att ach thr ee rod sect ion s toget her but lea ve each one about two tur ns sho rt o f b ein g ti ght. 3.) Att ach th e bo re bru sh b ut lea ve it t wo tur ns s hor t a lso. 4.) Point muzz le do wn. Hold the upp er re cei ver in one h and wh ile inse rtin g the end of the rod witho ut the brush int o the chambe r.

Guid e the ro d car eful ly throu gh the bore. CAUTI ON - do not let the rod or its thread ed end scr atc h t he C hro me Lini ng of the Bor e o r F irin g C ham ber. Abo ut 2 - 3 i nche s o f t he rod sho uld pro tru de out of the muz zle.Af t er thr ee or fou r p ul ls, th e thr ee r od se cti ons and t h e b o r e br u sh m ay be com e scr ewed ti g h tly t o ge the r. L o ose n t h em up a n d r e pea t t h e pr oce ss. 8.) Send a pa tch thro ug h t h e bo re oc c a si ona lly t o hel p cl ean out t he c rud that the brus h is ge t t i n g lo os e. J u st repl ac e t h e bo re br us h w i t h t h e ro d t ip ( p atc h hol der) and a we t p atc h. B ut r eme m b er, alw ays h ave t he b o r e wet w i th cl e a ne r be for e t r ying to pul l a b rus h t hrou gh. Ne ver u se a wir e bru sh o r a n y typ e o f ab ras iv e t o cle an th e A l u mi num Upp er R e cei ver - you' ll scr atch an d da m a ge th e fin ish. Aga in, neve r us e a w ire b rus h or any t y pe o f abr asiv e to cl e a n t he A lum inum Lo wer Rec eiv er. 2.) Wip e a ny d ir t f r o m th e Tri gg e r Mech ani sm. Clea n the B u ffe r, A c t io n Spri ng, and insi de the Lowe r Re c e iv er Ex t ens ion (th e Bu ffe r T ube). 16 WIPE INSIDE OF BUFFER TUBE CLEAN CLEAN THE DRAIN HOLE IN THE BUTTPLATE SCREW PIPE CLEANER A SMALL TOOTHBRUSH WILL REMOVE BUILT-UP DIRT. M ake sur e you r Bu shm as t er eje cts e mpt y cas es e f fic ient ly b y fo llow ing the se s t eps on a mo nt h l y b asis (mo r e f requ ent ly i f fir ing b la n ks). 1.) Rem o v e th e Bol t fro m th e Ca rrie r (a s de scri bed o n pr e vio us pa g es). Ho l d it a s s h o wn w ith the Ejec t o r d own and t h e Ext r a cto r u p. 2.) Dri bbl e a few dro ps o f CL P ar o u nd the Eje cto r t o for m a pud dle. 3.) Tak e a f ir ed o r d ummy ca se a n d p lac e i t un d er the lip of t he Ext rac tor. Wi th a ro cki ng moti on, pre ss th e ca s e do wn a g a ins t t he Ejec tor.

Sin c e the Eje cto r is spri n g lo ade d, so me r esi s t anc e wi ll be f elt. Pre ss o n th e ca se u ntil it sto ps a g ains t th e b olt face. E as e o f f wi th y o ur t h u mb sli ght ly a nd pre ss do w n ag ain. Rep eat sev eral tim es. Repl a ce t he C LP f requ ent ly. O nce t h e sp rin g act ion of t he E jec tor is smo o t h and s tro ng, d ry o ff a ny exce ss. C h e ck th at the ru b be r i n s ert is ins ide t he Ext rac tor Spr ing. 1.) C heck the Bolt: Loo k for cra cks or fra c t ure s, e spe ci a ll y in the cam p i n h o l e ar ea. Bol ts wi t h pi tti ng t ha t ex ten ds in to t h e fi ring pin hol e s hou ld be re pla ced. 4.) Chec k th e Ca m Pin: If it i s cra cke d, or chi pp e d, it sh ould be re plac e d. WAR NING: IF THE CAM P IN I S MI SSIN G, D O NOT FIRE THE RIFLE - IT WILL EXP L O DE. 2.) Chec k t he Fir ing P in: I f it is be nt, cra cked, too blun ted or t oo s har p, i t sh o ul d be repl ace d. 3.) Chec k th e Fi ring Pin Ret aini ng P in: If it is ben t, or ba dly w o rn, i t s hou ld be re pla ced. 18. Depres s the Fron t Sight Detent and apply t wo or three drops o f CLP to it. Depre ss the dete nt sever aI times to work the lub ric ant into the spr ing. Gen erou sly lubri cat e all mov ing pa rts in side the Lowe r Rec eive r (trig ger, hamme r, safet y, bolt cat ch, for ward assis t, etc), and their variou s pins and detents. Don't forget the Tak edow n and Pivo t Pins and thei r det ents. A l igh ter app lic atio n i s g ood on the Ex trac tor an d it s P in. Lig htly lubr icat e the Charg ing Handl e and the inne r and outer sur face s o f t he B olt Ca rrie r. Gen erou sly lubri cate the slide and Cam Pin are a of the Bolt Car rier. The insid e of the Ca rri er Key on the Bol t Carr ier shoul d be drie d wit h a Pip e C lean er - t hen pla ce one dro p o f C LP i nsi de. 20 Rea r Sig ht Mo vin g Par ts: U se 1 or 2 dro ps of CLP. Depress Buffer Detent.If it isn't, your rifle can still fire and will explode.

NOTE: The Bolt is machined so as to allow insertion of the Cam Pin from one side only. This provision aligns the Extractor and Ejector properly within the Upper Receiver. Slide in Bolt Carrier Group. NOTE: Firing Pin should not fall out when Bolt Carrier Group is turned upside down. CAUTION: Bushmaster does not recommend the practice of swapping bolts between different rifles. Doing so could result in damage, personal injury or death. 26 CAUTION: Selector Lever should be on SAFE before closing Upper Receiver. Do not remove the Follower from the Spring. TO CLEAN and LUBRICATE, Wipe dirt from Magazine Body, Spring, and Follower. Then lightly lubricate the Spring. REASSEMBLY is reverse of steps above. When re-attaching the Handguards, use The “Buddy System”: 15.) Place the Rifle on the Buttstock and press down on the Slip Ring with both hands. Note: The “Half-Round” Handguards are identical and can be used on top or bottom. 16.) Have your buddy install one handguard on top and the other on the bottom. If there is, swab it out with a patch and the cleaning rod. 2.) Retract the Bolt to ensure free movement between Bolt Carrier and Gas Tube. 3.) Perform Safety Function Check to ensure that Safety Selector Lever works properly. 4.) Check to ensure that the Magazine is secure. Then back to Step 4. 1.) Remove magazi ne if inst all ed. Pul l Charg ing Handle assem bly to rear. Che ck that Chamb er is cle ar. Let Bolt and Bolt Carr ier clos e. Do not pull Tri gger. L eav e Ha mme r i n co cke d p osit ion. WARN ING: If Rifle fails any of the foll owi ng tests, cont inu ed use of the Rif le c oul d r esul t i n i njur y t o, or deat h o f, pers onn el. 2.) Place Selector Lever in SAFE position and pull Trigger. THE HAM MER SHO ULD NOT FA LL. 3.) Place Sele cto r Lev er in FI RE po sit ion. The Rifle must not mal func tio n duri ng any of the se five tests. If the Rifle malfu nct ions durin g any of the se five te sts, ha ve the Ri fle che cke d by a qua lifi ed gun smit h.

Once the Rear Sight is zeroed, the Front Sight Post should not be moved. NOR MAL RANGE - The smalle r aper tur e is unmarked and is used for most firing sit uati ons. It is used in conj unc tion wit h th e ele vati on kno b for 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800 me ter tar get s. 1.) Use only qu ali ty am mun iti on su ita ble for your fi rea rm. Exa mine ea ch cartr idg e - part icul arl y around the pr imer. Loo k for dents, scra tch es, and oth er signs of dama ge. Do not loa d d ama ged amm uni tion. 2.) W ith t he ma gazine faci ng fo rward as shown in t he ill ustr ati on, place a rou nd betw een the lips of the maga zin e wit h the bullet tip forwar d. Push the round down until it is hel d by th e m agaz ine li ps. 3.) If necess ary, give the round a slig ht push backw ard to sea t it again st the bac k edge of the magazi ne lips. Plac e nex t ro und on top of pr evio us rou nd and rep eat ste ps unt il d esi red num ber of rou nds is loa ded. CAU TION: Safe firea rms hand lin g dic tate s that you ONLY LOAD LIVE AMMU NITI ON INTO YOU R RI FLE WH EN Y OU ARE ABO UT TO SHO OT. If you fin d that you need to use the forwar d assis t, it is pro babl y time you cleane d your rif le - pay part icul ar att enti on to the loc king lug areas in the cha mber an d o n th e b olt.To rememb er your correc t ze ro winda ge, note locati on of Win dag e Sc ale and Win dag e Kn ob Poi nter (hea vy mar k on out sid e of knob ). Once you have estab lis hed your correc t zero wind age lea ve y our Wi ndag e S cal e an d W ind age Kno b P oin ter on the se s ett ing s at al l t imes. It w as s et a t the fac tor y a nd s hou ld be v ery cl ose to you r z ero. 2.) C ente r the rear sight aper tur e b y t urni ng the winda ge knob left o r r ight. FRO NT SIGHT: T o a dju st eleva tion, depres s detent a nd rotat e pos t. To rais e strik e of bulle t, rot ate pos t in the dire ctio n of arrow ma rked UP. Reverse the di rection o f rotatio n to low er strike of bul let.

Rem embe r - an y ch ang es in e lev ati on are mad e b y mo vin g f ront si ght pos t o nly ! 7.) In order to raise your next sho t grou p, rot ate the fron t sigh t post clock wise. One click of the fro nt sig ht p ost wi ll m ove th e t he b ull et stri ke one ver tic al squa re on the tar get she et. In orde r to lowe r your next shot group, rot ate the fron t sight post counte r-c lock wis e. One click of the fro nt sigh t p ost, a s ab ove, e qual s o ne squa re. Cha nges in winda ge are mad e with the winda ge knob. Thre e click s will move the str ike of the bul let on e ho riz ont al s qua re on the tar get she et. In orde r t o m ove the sh ot g rou p t o t he l eft, t urn the wi ndag e k nob cou nte rcl ockw ise. The A1 FRON T SIGH T - Has five not ches of elev ati on per revol uti on (inste ad of the four not ches foun d on A2 square post type front sight - Bushm ast er only use s the A2 type Front Sig ht P ost in its cu rre nt p rod uct ion mod els ). 1.) B attl esi ght zero is that sett ing on t he Rifl e's sig hts w hich will caus e the poin t of aim and str ike of the bul let to be the sa me at 2 50 met ers. 2.) Whe n using the L-mar ked ape rtu re, the path of the bulle t will cro ss the line of sight at 25 met ers. NOT E: B ush mas ter use s o nly the ne wer A2 squ are fro nt sig ht p ost. REA R SIGH T - To adjust wind age, depr ess dete nt and rota te drum to dir ecti on you want. Each notch move s the point of impac t of bul let as ind icat ed in char t. 1.) To move poi nt of imp act to right, turn drum cloc kwi se in dir ect ion of arro w a nd lett er R. 2.) To mov e p oint of im pact to le ft, tur n d rum cou nte rcl ockw ise. Make sure it is clear. Retr act the bolt slowly and remove the fir ed cart rid ge case. Cle ar the weapon and che ck for un burn ed pow der grain s in the rec eiv er or bor e, and for a bul let stuc k in the bor e. Clean out any unb urn ed powder befo re resum ing firi ng.

If a bul let is stuck in the bore, do not atte mpt to rem ove it. Take the rifle to a qualif ied gun smit h. Bolt should spring forward.Let it move forward on its own. 2.) Release the Charging Handle. 1.) Pull Charging Handle fully to rear. Check Chamber for any obstruction. 1.) SLAP upward on Magazine to make sure it's seated properly.WAR NING: If you r rifle stop s flring wit h a live rou nd in the ch ambe r of a hot barrel, rem ove the roun d fas t. How eve r, if you cann ot remove it with in 10 secon ds, remov e the mag azin e an d wai t 15 minu tes with the rifl e po int ing i n a sa fe d irec tio n (a lway s ch eck t hat the “SA FE” direc tion rem ain s sa fe during tha t ti me). Th is w ay yo u wo n't get hur t by a possib le round c ooking off.Too much oil in Firing Pin recess. Defective Ammunition Too much carbon on Firing Pin or in Firing Pin recess. WHAT TO DO Put it on FIRE Assemble correctly.Dirty or corroded Ammo. Carbon in Chamber. Fouling or carbon in Extractor recess or lip. WHAT TO DO Clean or see a qualified gunsmith. See a qualified gunsmith. Remove stuck round - push out with cleaning rod. Dirty Magazine. Defective Magazine. Too many rounds in Magazine. Action of Buffer Assembly is restricted. Magazine not fully seated. WHAT TO DO Clean. Clean. Replace. Take out excess. Take out Buffer and Spring - Clean them. Adjust Magazine Catch: 48 PRESS MAGAZINE CATCH BUTTON ON RIGHT SIDE. Restricted Buffer Assembly. Restricted movement of Bolt Carrier Group. WHAT TO DO Clean lugs. Dirty or corroded Ammo. Damaged Ammo. Carbon in Chamber or on Gas Tube What To Do Turn Catch Clockwise to tighten and Counterclockwise to loosen Replace. Clean. Replace. Clean. TURN CATCH ON LEFT SIDE. Dirty or corroded Bolt Latch. Faulty Magazine Needs oil. Dirt or sand under Trigger. WHAT TO DO Clean out if possible or have Rifle checked by a qualified gunsmith. Clean - or replace Bolt Catch. Check for Buffer Endcap backout or obstruction.

Check for full travel of Bolt Carrier Replace. What To Do “Gaps” in the 3 Gas Rings should be staggered 120 around the Bolt body for maximum effectivness. Clean Carrier Key or around area of the Gas Tube.Whe n req ue st in g a man ua l, inc lu de th e s er ia l nu mb er o f yo ur r if le. Th is O pe ra ti on Ma nu al s ho ul d al wa ys a cc om pa ny th is f ir ea rm. LIMITED ONE-YEAR WARRANTY Bushmaster Fir e arms Inc.W a rr a nty c a rds are included with all firearms a n d should be completely filled out and s e nt to Quali t y P a rts C o m p any to activate the terms of t h e warra n t y. Any s u ch defect of whic h Bushmas t e r F ire a rms Inc.Warr a nty claims (in writing) an d the fir e arm c o nc e rned should b e direct e d (transportation charg e s pr e paid), to the Warranty Service Department, Bushmaster Fir e arms Inc., 99 9 Ro o sevelt Trail, Windham, ME 0406 2. Warra n t y claims sho u ld state the model and seri a l numb e r of the gu n concern e d, a d e scripti o n of th e difficulty experienced, a nd t h e dat e of p urc h ase. It is recommen d ed th a t shi p ment b e insured by owner, sinc e Bushmas t e r Firearms, I n c. will a ccept no responsibility for loss or damage in transit. Transportation an d insurance char g es for return to o w n er will be paid b y Bus h mast e r Firearms I n c. if the rel a ted claim is a pro p er cl a im for warranty w o rk. A S A F E T Y N O T E R E G A RD I N G L E A D.. D i s c harg i ng firear m s i n poorl y ven t ila t ed areas, c leaning firear m s, or handling a mm uni t ion m ay resul t in e x posure t o lead, a subs t an c e k no w n t o c ause bir t h defe c t s, reprodu c t ive h a r m, a nd o t her s eri o u s ph y s i c a l i n j ury. H av e ad e qu a t e v e n t i l a t i o n a t a l l t i m es. W ash hands t horoughly af t er e x posure. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Start Free Trial Cancel anytime.

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Upper Receiver And A3 Type. Removeable Carry Handle. Right, an early A1 Upper Receiver Lever cannot be pointed toward SAFE.) Magazine down to remove. CLEARING YOUR RIFLE (continued). Handle rearward. Press bottom of. Bolt Catch and allow Bolt to move Return Charging Handle to forward. If you haven't before, place Safety. Selector Lever on SAFE. Chamber to ensure there is CAUTION: Extractor Spring may Action Spring. If your Rifle is equipped with the A3 Type Removeable Carry Handle, BUSHMASTER Clean as DOES NOT Lightly lubricate the thumbnut threads and the Rear Sight mechanism (as ANY FURTHER When your firearm has not been fired, you should clean it at least once or twice a year if If you get your firearm wet, clean it as soon as possible. Use a high quality rifle cleaning kit that includes a cleaning rod; swab holder; cotton flannel After you have disassembled the rifle, thoroughly clean, inspect and lubricate all parts Other commercial cleaning kits may CLEANING THE BORE: The bore of your Bushmaster rifle has lands and Rifling makes the bullet spin very fast as it moves It is difficult to push a new, stiff bore brush Also, because the brush will clean Always clean from This is how you do it: Hold the upper receiver in one hand while inserting Guide the rod CAUTION - do not let the rod or its threaded About 2 - 3 inches of the rod should protrude out of the muzzle. You should be able to Loosen them up and repeat the process. Just replace the bore brush with the rod tip (patch Pull it through. If you leave the rods loose again, the. But remember, always have the bore Bring the Rifle to a qualified Corrosion, Dirt and Rust. Never use a wire brush or any type of abrasive to FROM CHAMBER Then swab out the bore as described Hold it as shown with With a rocking motion, Since the Ejector is spring loaded, some resistance will Ease off with your thumb slightly and Replace the CLP frequently.


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