Braun Blood Pressure Monitor 6053 Manual

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Braun Blood Pressure Monitor 6053 Manual

Braun Blood Pressure Monitor 6053 Manual


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Braun Blood Pressure Monitor 6053 Manual

Post your question here in this forum. We're committed to dealing with such abuse according to the laws in your country of residence. When you submit a report, we'll investigate it and take the appropriate action. We'll get back to you only if we require additional details or have more information to share. Note that email addresses and full names are not considered private information. Please mention this; Therefore, avoid filling in personal details. Please enter your email address. The screen does not display any results yet you hear and feel it working.Kaz has taken over Braun's BP monitor business, and one of the models' instructions says to have it seen by a servicer if it keeps displaying an error message.Login to post Someimes it goes back to normal and sometimes it gets quite bad. I have feeling it varies depending on the colour shown on the Screen Pull up older posts. You can get an idea about the fault to an extent.Screen-shots to defective plasma screens are shown. You can compare it to that of yours' and can make sure. It is best to contact any service technician too.Check This link. Pull up older posts there. Defective screen shots to plasma TVs are given. Compare them with your TV, and try to understand the fault. Most plasma screens will have similar circuit configuration, irrespective of brands and models. The only difference will be the number of circuit boards it contains according to its screen size.If you wish to know more, check this link. Pull up older posts there. Screen shots of defective screens are shown. Compare it to that of yours.Do you see faint images? 2) Laptop off you can also attach a VGA monitor (CRT. Looks like a small TV), to the VGA connector on the back of the laptop. Laptop on, press, and hold down on the Fn key, and press the Function key which toggles the graphics over to an external monitor. (Usually there is a icon on the key for this, on the keyboard) Graphics present on external monitor.

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If so you have a problem with the Inverter. (Screen Inverter) An LCD screen cannot produce enough light by itself. It needs an additional light source. A Backlight is the additional light source. A Backlight is a CCFL. Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp. Much like the Fluorescent lighting used in homes, and businesses, but on a MUCH smaller scale. (Average Backlight size is half the thickness of a No.2 pencil, and 3 to 4 inches long) An Inverter is used to convert the electricity coming from the laptop for the LCD screen, and the Backlight. 90 Percent of the time the fault is the Inverter. Chip and Chipset are slang terms for I.C. Integrated Circuit, The graphics chip is mounted to the laptop motherboard via a BGA surface mount. BGA surface mount: To explain let me compare the older style of mounting Processors. The older Processors have pins sticking out of the bottom. These pins lined up with socket holes in the Processor socket. The Ball Grid Array type of surface mount has no pins on the chip. (In this case a graphics chip) There are solder balls in place of the pins. The area where the chip mounts to on the motherboard has copper pads. The chip is lined up with the solder balls matching the copper pads. Then heat is applied which melts the solder balls, and solders the chip to the copper pads. If there is a poor cooling system for the graphics chip, the chip overheats, and the BGA surface mount becomes loosened. The solder connections melt partially. This creates a poor contact surface for the graphics chip to the motherboard, resulting in no graphics being shown on the LCD screen. Would also like the Model Name, and Model Number. (Bottom of laptop) Regards, joecoolvetteIt may have been destroyed. If yes get it replaced. P.S: Older picture tubes are of great quality compared to new ones.When you pull up to a stop sign you have to go past it before the GPS says you are even there.

If you look at the car icon, it is huge compared to the street and as a result it can look like you are past the location shown on the display. Also, it is not accurate to the exact spot but within 15 meters (approx. 49 feet). This also may account for why you seem to be in a slightly different location then is shown on the display. Unless the unit is way off (telling you to turn after you have passed the correct street, etc.) then this is normal behavior.Answer questions, earn points and help others. The position sensor icon (A) will guide you to hold your arm in the right position at heart level. 1. Fasten the appliance on the slim side of your bare forearm. Slowly move the hand upward along the upper arm. Watch the position sensor icon and move your hand up or down according to the direction of the arrow(s) shown. 4. The position sensor icon shown on the left and a beep confirm that you have reached the right measuring position. The measurement will start automatically. When the measurement is complete, a beep will sound again, and the reading is displayed.U kunt hieronder aangeven waarom deze vraag ongepast is. Wij controleren de vraag en zonodig wordt deze verwijderd. E-mailadressen en volledige namen worden niet als privegegevens beschouwd. Wij vragen u dus ook te reageren op een antwoord. Laat uw emailadres achter op deze site, zodat u op de hoogte blijft. U krijgt dan ook andere vragen en antwoorden te zien. De handleiding is 1,15 mb groot. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider. Controleer uw email Vul dan hier uw emailadres in. Blood pressure rises again in the afternoon and finally drops to a low level at night.

Page 5 5 What you should know about this blood pressure monitor For accurate measurements, all wrist blood pressure monitors must be positioned at heart level. Example: If the monitor is positioned 20 cm below heart level as shown on the left (e.g. by putting the arm on a table), the reading you will obtain is approximately 15 mmHg too high. Page 8 8 Please note: 15 seconds after switching on the appliance, the measuring process will start automatically, even if the appropriate measuring position has not been reached. Page 9 9 Scrolling Keep the memory button pressed for scrolling through the memory. For your orientation, refer to the date in the lower display line. Page 10 10 Storage and cleaning Clean the product with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Stains on the cuff (G) can be carefully removed with damp cloth. Do not wash or dry clean the cuff. Do not store the product in a place exposed to direct sunlight or high humidity. Page 11 11 Problem Reason Solution e.g. Error message lower than 64: System error Have the product checked at a Braun Service Centre. Measurement or inflation does not start instantly. Right measurement position was not reached. Page 13 13 Type BF equipment Subject to change without notice. Page 19 19 D e filement Maintenez enfonc e le bouton m e moire pour le d e filement de la m e moire. Pour vous rep e rer, r e f e rez-vous a la date sur la ligne inf e rieure de l ’e cran. Entretien et nettoyage Nettoyez le bo i tier de l ’ appareil avec un chiffon doux et humide. Page 21 21 Probleme Situation Solution Le manchon est trop desserr e ou ne peut pas e tre gonfl e. Page 23 23 Equipement de type BF Peut faire l ’ objet de modifications sans pr e avis. Page 24 24 Nederlands Wat u moet weten over bloeddruk Gedurende de hele dag is onze bloeddruk continu aan wisselingen onderhevig. In de ochtend stijgt hij sterk en aan het eind van de ochtend vindt er een daling plaats.

Page 25 25 Wat u moet weten over deze bloeddrukmeter Om nauwkeurige meetresultaten te verkrijgen, dienen alle polsbloeddrukmeters op hartniveau gehouden te worden. Bijvoorbeeld: wanneer de monitor 20 cm lager dan het hart word gehouden, zoals links wordt afgebeeld (bijv. Page 27 27 Meten Om nauwkeurige meetresultaten te krijgen, is het van belang dat u de bloeddrukmeter ter hoogte van het hart houdt. De sensor-pijltjes op het display begeleiden uw arm actief naar de juiste meetpositie op hartniveau. 1. Bevestig het apparaat bovenop de dunne zijde van uw blote onderarm. Page 28 28 Belangrijk: 15 seconden na het aanzetten van het apparaat, zal het meten automatisch beginnen, ook als de geschikte meetpositie nog niet is bereikt. De datum op de onderste regel van het display toont de data wanneer de verschillende metingen zijn verricht. Bewaren en reinigen Maak de buitenkant van het apparaat schoon met een zachte, licht vochtige doek. Page 31 31 Probleem Oorzaak Oplossing De manchet zit te los of kan niet worden opgepompt. Page 33 33 Type BF apparatuur Wijzigingen voorbehouden. Page 34 34 Espanol Lo que debe saber sobre la presion arterial La presi o n arterial cambia constantemente durante el d i a. Se muestra muy alta a primera hora de la ma n ana y decae al final de la misma. La presi o n arterial vuelve a elevarse por la tarde y finalmente cae al nivel m a s bajo por la noche. Page 35 35 Lo que debe saber sobre este tensiometro. Page 37 37 Medicion Para una medici o n fiable de la presi o n arterial, aseg u rese que el dispositivo se encuentra a la altura del coraz o n. El icono sensor de posici o n (A) le guiar a hasta que posicione el brazo a la altura del coraz o n, la posici o n correcta. Page 38 38 Nota: 15 segundos despu e s de encender el aparato, el mismo comenzar a el proceso de medici o n autom a ticamente, incluso si no esta en la posici o n correcta.

Page 39 39 Pasando de una a otra memoria Mantenga el bot o n de memoria presionado para visualizar sucesivamente las memorias. Para orientarse consulte la fecha en la u ltima l i nea de la pantalla. Conservacion y limpieza Limpiar el tensi o metro con un trapo suave humedecido. Page 41 41 Problema Razon Solucion El manguito esta demasiado holgado o no puede inflarse. Page 43 43 Aparato del tipo BF Sujeto a modificaciones sin previo aviso. Page 44 44 Portugues O que deve saber sobre pressao arterial A press a o arterial altera-se constantemente durante o dia. Sobe fortemente de manh a cedo e desce durante o fim da manh a. Volta a subir a tarde e, por fim, desce para um n i vel baixo a noite. Page 45 45 O que deve saber sobre este medidor de tensao arterial Para uma medi ca o precisa, todos os medidores de tens a o de pulso devem ser posicionados ao n i vel do cora ca o. Exemplo: Se o medidor de tens a o est a 20 cm abaixo do cora ca o, como e indicado na figura a esquerda (ex. Page 47 47 Medicao Para a obten ca o de resultados precisos, certifique-se que mantem o medidor ao n i vel do cora ca o. O i cone do sensor de posi ca o (A) guiar a o seu bra c o at e a posi ca o correcta ao n i vel do cora ca o. 1. Ajuste o aparelho no lado mais fino do seu pulso. Page 49 49 Procurar Pressione o bot a o de mem o ria para procurar na mem o ria. Para sua orienta ca o, a linha inferior refere-se a data da medi ca o. Seleccoes Atrav e s do bot a o de selec ca o (D), situado junto a tampa do compartimento de pilhas, pode configurar as selec co es descritas em baixo. Arrumacao e limpeza Limpe a estrutura do aparelho com um pano h u mido macio. Page 51 51 Problema Situacao Solucao Bra c adeira est a demasiado lassa ou n a o pode ser pressurizada. Page 56 56 Hong Kong Audio Supplies Company, Room 506, St. Page 58 Measuring For a reliable blood pressure measurement, make sure that you hold the appliance at heart level.

Page 59 Prise des mesures Pour une mesure fiable de la tension art e rielle, assurez- vous de la position ad e quate au niveau du c ? ur. L ’ ic o ne de l ’ indicateur de position (A) vous guidera pour placer votre bras dans la bonne position au niveau du c ? ur. Page 60 Meten Om nauwkeurige meetresultaten te krijgen, is het van belang dat u de bloeddrukmeter ter hoogte van het hart houdt. Page 61 Medicion Para una medici o n fiable de la presi o n arterial, aseg u rese que el dispositivo se encuentra a la altura del coraz o n. El icono sensor de posici o n (A) le guiar a hasta que posicione el brazo a la altura del coraz o n, la posici o n correcta. Page 62 Medicao Para a obten ca o de resultados precisos, certifique-se que mantem o medidor ao n i vel do cora ca o. O i cone do sensor de posi ca o (A) guiar a o seu bra c o at e a posi ca o correcta ao n i vel do cora ca o. 1. Ajuste o aparelho no lado mais fino do seu pulso. We should do this for several simple reasons: First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Braun BP2550 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Braun BP2550 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Braun BP2550 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Braun BP2550. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Braun BP2550 along with tips on how to solve them. PulsType 6053. SensorControlEnglishShould you require any furtherConsumer Relations onAppelez Braun FranceBel Braun Consumenten-infolijn:Printed in Germany.

Vous avez des questions sur ceAppelez Braun BelgiquePulsWhat you should know about blood pressure. Blood pressure constantly changes throughout the day. It rises sharply in the earlyBlood pressure rises again in theAlso, it may vary in a shortBlood pressure readings from a healthy 31 year old male, measured at 5 minuteBlood pressure measured in a doctor's office only provides a momentary value. Repeated measurements at home better reflect one's actual blood pressureMoreover, many people have a different blood pressure when they measure atRegular blood pressure measurements taken at home can provide your doctorThe World Health Organisation (WHO) has set up the following standard bloodBloodNormalSevereWhat you should know about this bloodFor accurate measurements, all wrist blood pressureExample: If the monitor is positioned 20 cm below heartTherefore, the Braun SensorControl has a uniqueAdditionally, your blood pressure monitor offers theBattery compartment. Battery compartment cover. Cuff. Inserting batteries. Ultra) as supplied with this product or rechargeableThey should not beUse of rechargeable batteries. In case rechargeable batteries are used, please note thatHowever, this will notKey rules for accurate blood pressureFor a reliable blood pressure measurement, make sureThe positionMake sure that the cuff fits tight.Watch the position sensor icon and move your handWhen the measurement is complete, a beep will soundUpper (systolic) value. Lower (diastolic) value. PulseIf at any time, you want to discontinue the measurement. Turning off the product. Otherwise theMemory function. Your blood pressure monitor can store the readings ofThe memory cannot be cleared. Once the memory is full,Recalling stored readings. To recall stored readings, first turn the product off, then. The latest reading will be displayed.

The lower displayThe position sensor symbol (Repeatedly pressing the memory button will call up oneKeep the memory button pressed for scrolling throughSettingsTime and date. First turn off the product.Using the memory button (B), you can change the hours.After having changed the time and date settings, press. The device will then turn off. Position sensor. Should you wish to deactivate the position sensorFirst turn off the product.Press the memory button to change the setting from. Please note. Unless you confirm a modified setting by pressing theClean the product with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Stains on the cuff (G) can beDo not wash or dry clean the cuff. Do not storeCalibration. This product has been calibrated at the time of manufacture. If used according toIf at any time, you question the measuring accuracy, please contact a Braun. Service Centre. Manufacturing date is given by the LOT number on the back of the product. The first number after LOT represents the last digit of the year of manufacture. The next three digits give the day of the year of manufacture.What to do if. Problem. Reason. Solution. Battery replacement required soon. Batteries are low. Measurements stillWith rechargeableMeasurements are notInsert new batteries. Cuff is too loose orRefit cuff tightly, repeat measurementError message higherCuff is not properly fitted. Refit cuff tightly, repeat measurementProblem. SolutionError message lower thanHave the product checked at a. Braun Service Centre. Measurement or Right measurementReadings fromRepeat measurement as shownBlood pressure is aFor healthy adults,Cuff is not properly fitted. Ensure that the appliance is fittedReadings were not consistently taken at heartFor each measurement, proceedTalking, coughing,While measuring, relax, keep still,Position sensor is dePrior to a meaactivated.Model:Oscillometric method. Display. Liquid Crystal Display. Measuring range. Blood pressureLaboratory accuracy. Clinical accuracy.

According to AAMI-SP 10 with auscultatory reference:Pour des mesures precises, tous les tensiometres deExemple: si le manchon est positionne 20 cm en dessousPour cette raison, le SensorControl de Braun disposeVotre tensiometre offre par ailleurs les avantagesBouton de selection. Compartiment a piles. Couvercle du compartiment a piles. Manchon. Mise en place des pilesElles ne doivent pasUtilisation de piles rechargeables. Dans le cas de l’utilisation de piles rechargeables, leCependant, celaRegles de base pour une mesure correctePour une mesure fiable de la tension arterielle, assurezvous de la position adequate au niveau du c?ur. L’iconeAssurez-vous que le manchon est bien serre.Bougez lentement l’avant-bras (comme indique) versLorsque la prise de mesure est terminee, un signalValeur superieure (systolique). Valeur inferieure (diastolique). PoulsA tout moment, vous pouvez arreter le tensiometre. Mise a l’arret de l’appareilFonction memoire. Votre tensiometre peut stocker les lectures de 60Lorsqu’elle est remplie, les plus vieilles valeurs sontRappel des valeurs memorisees. Pour consulter les valeurs memorisees, eteignezLa derniere mesure sera affichee. La ligne inferieure deLe symbole de l’indicateur de position (Appuyez a plusieurs reprises sur le bouton memoire quiMaintenez enfonce le bouton memoire pour le defilementPrereglages. Au moyen du bouton de selection (D) place en dessousDate et heure. Eteignez tout d’abord l’appareil. Apres avoir appuyeEn utilisant le bouton deAppuyez a nouveau sur le bouton de selection et lesVous pouvez changer ces donnees en utilisant le boutonApres avoir change les reglages de l’heure et de la date. Indicateur de position. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez desactiver l’indicateurEteignez tout d’abord l’appareil. Appuyez brievement surL’affichage indique les reglagesAinsi, appuyez de facon repeteeAppuyez sur le bouton memoire pour modifier l’affichagePour confirmer le changement de reglage, appuyez sur leEntretien et nettoyage.

Nettoyez le boitier de l’appareil avec un chiffon doux et humide. Les taches faitesNe pas stockerCalibrage. Ce produit a fait l’objet d’un calibrage au moment de sa fabrication. S’il est utiliseSi, a quelque moment que ce soit, vous doutez de la precision de mesure, veuillezLa date de fabrication est indiquee par un numero de LOT situe au dos deProbleme. Situation. Remplacer rapidement les piles. Les piles sont faibles. Les mesures sont encoreAvec des pilesRemplacer les piles. Les mesures en memoireProbleme. Le manchon est tropBien resserrer le manchon etMessage d’erreur indiquantLe manchon n’est pasBien resserrer le manchon etMessage d’erreur indiquant Faire verifier le produit par le Service. Apres-Vente de Braun.Erreur du systeme. La mesure ou leRenouveler la mesure suivant les. La position pour uneLa lecture desLa tension arterielle est une AucuneLe manchon n’est pasS’assurer que le dispositif estLes mesures ne sont pasPour chaque mesure, procederSituation. La lecture desPendant la mesure, se detendre, ne. Parler, tousser, rire,Specifications du produit. Modele. Principe de fonctionnement. Indicateur. Plage de mesure. Plage de mesure de la tensionPrecision (laboratoire). Precision (clinique). Gonflage. Degonflage. Alimentation. Temperature de fonctionnement. Temperature de stockage. Humidite. Validation clinique:Affichage a cristaux liquidesConforme a l’AAMI-SP10 avec commeFile Type Extension: pdf. PDF Version: 1.4. Linearized: Yes. Page Count: 62. Page Layout: SinglePage. Has XFA: No. XMP Toolkit: XMP toolkit 2.9.1-14, framework 1.6. About: uuid:d8544494-6a14-499a-a77d-5164c7898039. Producer: Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Macintosh. Create Date: 2002:06:07 11:07:52Z. Document ID: uuid:02f3dc10-f724-4ef6-9649-928974cff155. Also, it may vary in a short period of time. Therefore, readings from successive measurements can fluctuate.

140 SYS mm HG 120 100 DIA 80 mm HG 60 65 12 18 0 h BloodTherefore, the Braun SensorControl has a unique positioning system: The position sensor Slowly move Memory function Your blood pressure monitoTime and date First turn off the product. Using the memory buttoDo not wash or dry clean the cuff. Calibration This product has been calibrated at the time of manufacture. If used according to the use instructions, periodic re-calibration is not required. If at any time, yoReadings from Blood pressure is a none repeated mea- fluctuating value.La tension arterielle augmente a nouveau dans l’apres-midi et retombe finalement a un niveau plus bas pendant la nuit. Elle peut egalement varier sur une courte duree. Par consequent, les valeurs des mesures effectuees sPrereglages Au moyen du bouton de selection (D) place en dessous du couvercle du compartiment a piles, vous pouvez ajuster les parametres decrits ci-dessous: Date et heure Eteignez tout d’abord l’appareil. Apres avoir appuye sur le bouton de selection, la position des heLes taches faites sur le manchon (G) peuvent etre retirees avec precaution a l’aide d’un chiffon humide. Ne pas nettoyer le manchon, que c.

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There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. User manuals search Register warranty. Catalogue Download Braun 2015 Catalogue. Accessories View all clock. Need a manual for your Braun BNC005 Clock. Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. Braun global manufacturer of small electrical appliances. Prices and ratings for products from the area Other alarms. Travel Alarm Clocks: Braun Travel Alarm Clocks On WWW.TOP-CLOCKS.COM I have something of a sleep problem. Or I guess, more accurately, a waking up problem. And my alarm clock died. So I bought this re-issue of Braun's Dietrich Labs and Dieter Rams-designed BNC004. REVIEW: Braun Global Radio Controlled Alarm Clock (BNC009). Daca iubi?i informatica ?i electronica, va place sa dispune?i de ultima tetnologie ?i sa nu pierde?i niciun detaliu, cumpara?i Ceas-De?teptator. Repair manual Braun ThermoScan 7 IRT6520. Service manual MARTEN Comfort Pellet-30. This Braun alarm clock measures 80mm x 80mm x 56mm and has an easy to read dial layout This Braun alarm clock measures 80mm x 80mm x 56mm and has an easy to read dial layout, crescendo alarm, snooze function and a quiet German precision quartz movement. Duracell battery included. Features: Snooze function Crescendo alarm Light with delay Quiet movement Battery included.

My husband has sensitive skin and his razor right now is awful so he uses a handheld with cream at the end. Do you think I should go with a dry shaver and assume it’ll be that much better and he won’t need to use cream. The Series 7 is one of the most comfortable shavers out there. However, it would be very difficult for me to say with certainty if using it along with shaving cream would make a big difference compared to using it dry. And that’s because shaving is very personal and the results will vary to a high degree from person to person. All the currently available 790cc shavers are actually the 790cc-4 version and the 4 is actually used to differentiate it from an older iteration (790cc, currently discontinued). I actually touched upon this in the article as well.I don’t need to research for more. Instead they sell the 7 898. I don’t see this covered in your review, could you advise. You can go right ahead and buy it. Actually price oddities like this one are quite common when it comes to electric shavers; newer, more feature rich models can cost less than others that are arguably inferior. For example, that was the case (and still is to some degree) with the Series 9 and some Panasonic Arc 5 models. Store policies, price bumps from the suppliers etc.That’s why it’s always a good idea to do a bit of research before pulling the trigger. The 790cc is still very popular, particularly in the USA and most review sites are based there and target that specific demographic. Also, a lot of those reviews haven’t been updated in years and at the time of writing the 790cc was probably the only widely available model. I tried to cover the most popular models in this article, but Braun has lots of different names for the shavers sold in the different markets even though they are basically the same products. I could have assumed the same but it’s good to see confirmation from someone who has clearly done a lot of the homework already.


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