Bridgepoint Object Action Language Manual Text Download

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Bridgepoint Object Action Language Manual Text Download

Bridgepoint Object Action Language Manual Text Download


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Bridgepoint Object Action Language Manual Text Download

Data and control are modeled with graphical diagrams such as component, class, and state machine diagrams. Processing is modeled with an action language called Object Action Language (OAL). However, it attempts to be: It is meant to be somewhat minimal in its notation, while being rich enough to model all necessary processing. Object Action Language is abstract and works at the level of detail of the model in which is operates. The instructions in the action language are aware of the model of which it is a part in both its syntax and its meaning. The names of model elements such as classes, attributes, events, messages, ports and parameters are parsed in the action language. Finally, the action language is target independent and can be translated into target-specific languages by a model compiler. These videos are meant to be self-contained references for each OAL statement and to collectively form a comprehensive tutorial. So, we recommend that while you are watching each segment that you frequently pause the video and repeat the steps in your own workspace using BridgePoint. The familiar GPS Watch example model is the context for each exercise. Click here to join a conversation and chat with One Fact and the rest of the xtUML community. Join us on LinkedIn Share news and opportunities with other practitioners of the Executable UML method. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. User-Friendly Manuals. Product Instructions. It shouldn’t be too surprising that an action language such as Alf, intended as a standard for the greater UML community would, would be both burdensome and a conceptual mismatch for our purposes. Nor are there any built-in impediments to such an implementation. There is no bias toward any particular degree of concurrency to be provided by the target platform.

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An action language for xUML should be constructed to fit and leverage xUML’s mathematical foundations. Additionally, years of frustration with the inherent limitations of BridgePoint’s (xtUML) Object Action Language (OAL) have been a driving force. That action language as well as its British cousin Action Specification Language (ASL) were a great first step, but neither evolved much beyond their original formulations. This pronunciation derives from the original (and not abandoned) desire to design a graphical language easily sketched by hand (scrawl). Much of the syntax described here is subject to change as we find ways to tighten up the language. There’s not much point in defining a grammar for a language that is subject to significant change. You can use Scrall in the comments of your action language to clarify what you are trying to accomplish. We took this approach in our book Models to Code. You should be able to accomplish in just a few lines what may require numerous awkward lines in your tool specific action language. Hopefully, thinking in the set, relational and concurrent terms of Scrall will make it easier solve problems and to write better action language. We plan to cobble a formal grammar together as soon as possible. Page Count: 64 Modified Date: November 10, 2011. Document Revision: 1.1. Project ID: xtUML Guide. Direct comments, questions to the author(s) listed below. Mentor Graphics Company Confidential. All Rights Reserved. This document contains unpublished information that is confidential and proprietary to Mentor Graphics. Corporation, 8005 SW Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070. It is supplied for identification, maintenance,This document and any other confidentialIn accepting this document, theForeword. 4. Contributions to this Guide. 5. Executable UML by Mellor-Balcer. 5. BridgePoint Documentation. 5. Additional Contributions. 5. Introduction to the xtUML Methodology. 6. Analysis Modeling. 7. Executable Modeling. 8.

Model Verification. 9. Model Compilation. 9. Complementary Processes. 10. The design flow in a Particular Application Segment. 11. Requirements Driven Modeling. 11. Analysis Modeling. 13. Steps to performing Effective Analysis Modeling. 14. Use Case Modeling. 16. Executable Modeling. 19. Steps to developing complete Executable Models. 20. System Level Executable Models. 21. Executable Class Modeling. 30. State Modeling. 36. Model Verification. 39. Steps to performing Effective Model Verification. 40. Model Compilation. 41. Steps to performing Effective Model Compilation. 41Application Models. 44. Marking. 44. Rules and Templates. 45. Translation Engine. 47. Implementation Code. 47. Model Management. 48. Configuration Management. 48. Overview of the Recommended Process. 48. Requirements Tracking. 50. Prerequisites. 50. Capture Requirements. 50. Associating Tasks with Requirements. 51. Trace Requirements. 51. Use Commit-time Scripting. 52. Trace Requirements into the Model Elements. 53. Trace Requirements into the Generated Artifacts. 53. Monitoring Progress with Reports. 54. Documentation. 54. When to Capture Documentation. 54. Generating the Documentation (DocGen). 55. Creating a Report Generator Model Compiler. 62. References. 64Add to this the desire to shrinkExecutable and Translatable UML (xtUML) accelerates the development of such complex realtime embedded systems. xtUML is a proven, well defined and automated methodology utilizingThe key concepts that yield the productivity of xtUML build upon three principlesApplication models are fully independent of design and implementation details.This guide is intended for systems engineers, model developers, managers and supervisorsThe guide has been written to set out the application and methodology to achieve effectiveIn this context, theThis guide will introduce each of the essential stages in the development flow, the approaches toContributions to this Guide.

Of course, a guide such as this has many sources of expertise and authority to which we refer,Executable UML by Mellor-Balcer. In 2002, Stephon Mellor and Marc Balcer published Executable UML: A Foundation For. Model-Driven Architecture, which has become the definitive reference on Executable UMLAt its Core, the xtUML Methodology employs fourEach of these phases is discussed in general terms, and a recipe is provided that will enableBridgePoint Documentation. The BridgePoint tool includes reference and user documentation that addresses tool-specificThe reader isAdditional Contributions. Other contributions come from the many xtUML users and practitioners across many fields, andSeveral concepts and characteristics are essential to the understanding and effective applicationModeling, Model Verification and Model Compilation. Each of these phases will be explored inFormal. Formal,goalInformal,Informal,goalFunctioning. FunctioningSystem. System. Level. LevelModel. ModelAnalysis. Analysis. Modeling. CommDComponent. Component. Partitioning. SystemLevel. Requirement. Allocation. ComponentDiagrams. Diagrams. Port. PortOALTestBench. BenchComponents. Components. Final. ComponentLayout. LayoutExecutable. Executable. Design Level. Modeling Design Level. Class. ClassDiagrams. StateMachine. Machine DiagramsDesignSystem. SystemlevelUnit. UnitandClassCluster. ClustertestingVerification. VerificationSystem. Testbench. TestbenchAnalysis Modeling is the step that moves the project from the requirements gathering stage toRequirements: At the beginning of a system project, it is common for the architecture teams toUsing modeling can help elaborate the trueHere we will look into using the best modeling techniques to understand the needs, set out theWe now enter an iterative phase that simultaneously refines and expands the collection of. Sequence and Activity diagrams, and begins linking them (formalizing them) to the emerging.

Component models that will contain the behavior of the design being created. In the course ofThis stage includes Partition: defining aOnce iteration is complete, the Sequences and Activities clearly show the partitioning by. Component, and are ready to feed directly into the Executable Modeling step. The System and. Design teams can now proceed with their down-stream tasks. The System team uses the. Sequences and Activities to drive the creation of Test Bench Components and other System. Level executable artifacts, while the Design teams enter the Executable Modeling phase of theIn this stage of the model development, it is essential to remember some fundamental principles:It is therefore advantageous to express the solution in a manner that isThe specification should be more formal than EnglishThe specification should be formallyDon't Model Implementation Structure: This follows directly from the above. If the applicationIn other words, we need to capture the natural concurrencyHow can we capture the functionalityThe trick is to separate the application fromExecutable Modeling. Once Analysis Modeling is complete, the requirements are broken down into a collection ofInitial partitioning of the scenariosCommunication patterns andExecutable Modeling takes the scenarios described previously and creates executable modelsThis executable specification is directlyCases, Sequences, Activities and Communication patterns. At this stage, the activity is evolving into the design stage, creating the detail that expands uponAn xtUML application model contains the details necessary to both execute and test applicationsThe model operates in a framework of definedNo design details or target code need be developed or added for model execution. ApplicationAt this stage, the design level test step can be performed, on the individual components, betweenBy continuing to maintain executable models andModel Compilation.

We translate the executable UML application model into an implementation by generating text inCompiler. This is accomplished by a set of mapping rules that reads selected elements of theThe rules establish theCrucially, the elements to be translated into hardware or software can be selected by marking upThese Markings are tags stored apart from the Executable Model, whichComplementary Processes. Documentation of the Design. Well documented models can form a nucleus of design and reference material essential to goodThe capabilities to generate documentationThis guide also gives recommendations as to the way to best use the various authoringConfiguration Management. A well-managed design will utilize standard resources to not only capture the design, but also toThe infrastructure of BridgePoint supportsBridgePoint is also tightly integrated with the Mentor. Graphics System Design Management toolset, SDM. Numerous dedicated solutions are offered for capturing and tracking requirements, issues orThis guide refers to the process of associating requirements, issuesBridgePoint is also able to support association of these kinds through tight integration with the. Mentor Graphics System Design Management toolset, SDM.Every application segment is going to be a little different, have its own needs and constraints,This guide sets out to present a starting point for theRequirements Driven Modeling. Every project starts with a set of requirements that are conditions or capabilities to which theA good requirement must be Complete, must be CorrectHowever, the traditional starting point for a project’sThe problem with text documents is that they are hard to keep current,VerilogRequirements-aware AccessEnterprise Level. Requirements Databases. ReqTracer. Change Impact and. Traceability Analysis. Text. Log. Files. Requirements. Documents. Simulation. Results. ASCII Test ResultsTraceability Report. Generation.

Mentor GraphicsInstead, they employ a requirements tool that supports theAn example of such a tool is ReqTracer from Mentor GraphicsThe Requirements phase consists of two parts: requirements gathering and requirementsModels provide a concise unambiguous description ofExecutable Models goConsequently, in the xtUML methodology it is feasible toNext is Requirements triage where groups of raw requirements are identified and prioritized.Analysis Modeling is the step that moves the project from the Requirements Gathering stage toTo perform effective Analysis. Modeling, a project must have reached the point where Requirements are stabilizing, capturedTo perform Analysis Modeling within the xtUML methodology, most effective teams employDo not attempt to use these diagrams forSpecific instructions on constructing effective. Use Case Diagrams is presented at the end of this section.It is referred to here, because the two tasksMany will be new, created from mapping Use Case requirements onto the ComponentSome of the original SequencesDuring thisIf this is the case, push some Components down into nested Components or into candidateOtherwise proceed to developing the. Executable Model. Once iteration is complete, the Sequences and Activities documented will clearly show theIn this scenario, the whole Use. Case is allocated to the relevant Component, and the Executable Modeling step can begin. The. System and Design teams can now independently proceed with their down-stream tasks. The. System team uses the Sequences and Activities to drive the creation of Test Bench ComponentsThe Design teams enter the Executable Modeling phase of the design, armed with a fullyDesign artifacts.Use Case analysis is performed after the requirements are gathered.

This analysis results in theUse Cases diagrams are alsoUse Case Diagrams specify interactions between the system being developed and the outsideActors need not be humans; they may alsoConversely, an Actor represents a role, not an individual, so theActors which are involved in a particular interactionSimilar Use Cases may be grouped usingSteps to Constructing Use Case. Once Requirements Gathering is completed and the collected requirements stored in a repository,Do not worry aboutThis approach, often referred to as 'Sunny Day' or 'Happy Day'Examples ofOften this will fit on a singleGive it a two or three word name,Identify unique two or three word names for the Actors. Draw and associate them with theAddress observations andSimilarly, identify Use Cases which represent steps that appear inSimilarity amongst Actors may also be captured using the Generalization relation. ForThis will provide useful information when it comes time to create test plans, test scenariosIterate until the Use Cases areThe final step in the development of Use Case diagrams is a successful review. Once completedThe Analysis ModelingExecutable Modeling.Executable Modeling is the task that takes the Use Cases and Scenarios described in the. Analysis work products, and creates executable models that provide a testable solution toSequences, Activities and Communication patterns. The Executable Model takes the formPrior to performing Executable Modeling, the project must have fully completed the. Analysis Modeling phase described earlier. From this phase, the following artifacts willArmed with this material, a modeler will follow an iterative process that converges on an. Executable Model that fully documents the requirements, is verifiable and isSteps to developing complete Executable Models. To construct an accurate and efficient Executable Model, the following high level stepsSpecialization hierarchies using the Supertypes and Subtype Classes.Machines.

These diagrams show how the Classes progress throughIf necessary, iterate to optimize the design. System Level Executable Models. System Level Executable Modeling establishes the Component structure of the systemComponents, and creates an executable system level model that exemplifies the requiredThis phase of Executable Modeling begins when early Analysis Modeling is completeAt the beginning of this phase we may observe that the Component structure is in one ofIt lacks only the new. Components required as a product of the current work.If the component structure does not exist, then all steps should be followed. However,Base the first Component breakdown on the subject matters found.Component models. Note: This is a later task in the Analysis Modeling phase. ItOrganize Interfaces in a separate set of Packages because they will be referred to byLevel Executable modeling activity proceeds to the next stage. Specify the System Behavior in an Executable Form. The second phase of developing an Executable Model focuses on communicationReview the informal Sequence and. Activity diagrams already created to see if any have captured information that canNest tested Component clusters inside container Components by adding references toAdd delegations as required.Language that provides examples of required message passing. Create Test Benches for Each New Component. The final deliverable in the Executable Modeling phase is a fully verified xtUML modelAt this stage, it isNote that Model testing is alsoTo construct a test system model for use in Model testing, perform the following steps:Components around it as required to satisfy all the interfaces exposed by the. Component under Test (CUT).Attributes and perhaps a State Machine to drive them. Detailed recommendations forEach subject matter is an independent, self-contained world of concepts. A subject matterFor example, we can extensively discuss a.

Cardiology subject matter without referring to windows or icons, and we can describe a. User Interface without referring to what it is being used for. By identifying subjectSteps required for subject matter identification:At the same time as it is created,The new description must stillNote that Mellor and Balcer discuss this topic in detail as part of Chapter 3 under theIt is very important to decide when the System Modeling activity should stop. The stopInstead, we offer some example project teams, and suggestEvery project should look at its humanSome candidate stopping criteria are:The design team is qualified software engineers. InConsider a policy that specifies that Components do not keep any history, and allHere, consider allowing a little more detail inSuch history may beConsider notLevel Executable Model. If the System Modeling step is omitted, then responsibilityWhere this happens, a 'test first' approach (some time called Test Driven. Development) is recommended, and test artifacts should be specified early in the. Executable Modeling phase.In spite ofThe goal of the systemWhere there are two teams, the systems team takes responsibility for the ComponentComponent level changes are required, a system team member is always involved inCreating loosely Coupled Components. Coupling is an informal measure of the dependency of Components on each other. Loosely coupled Components are easier to maintain and more reusable. It is not possibleHowever, some types of couplingThe types of coupling are, in order of desirability. Data Coupling. Loose. Stamp Coupling. Control Coupling. Common Coupling. Content Coupling. Tight. Interaction is achieved by passing a small set of arguments in a message. NoInteraction is achieved through passing structured data arguments in a message. Some of the members of the type are ignored by the recipient. Messages carry flags that tell another Component how to behave. Two Components communicate by setting data elements in a third.

Design using. Components makes this more difficult for a good reason, but it is still possible if youContent Coupling. One Component directly writes data in another. Effectively impossible with. Component based design and included here only for completeness. Creating Components with high Cohesion. Cohesion is a term that relates to the strength of subject matter separation achieved in the. Component structure. The types of cohesion, again in order of desirability. Functional Cohesion. High. Informational Cohesion. Sequential Cohesion. Communicational Cohesion. Procedural Cohesion. Temporal Cohesion. Logical Cohesion. Coincidental CohesionLowAll allocated responsibilities refer to or manipulate characteristics of the same wellInformational Cohesion. Responsibilities operate on the same data structures, but the data itself is hiddenSequential Cohesion. Responsibilities are grouped together because they refer to the same data structuresCommunicational Cohesion. Responsibilities are allocated together because they operate on the same dataProcedural Cohesion. Responsibilities are grouped because they occur one after another, without regard toTemporal Cohesion. Responsibilities are grouped based on when they occur. Component is often namedLogical Cohesion. Responsibilities are accessed entirely by outside Components. Often, the behavior isCoincidental Cohesion. Component responsibilities are unrelated. It is often difficult to find a name for the. Component, other than 'Miscellaneous' or 'Utilities'.These are not deliverable to end customers. They are initially used to assure that theLater, they are used to assure that the design satisfies theTest Bench Components are created using standard criteria, such as functional testing,Executable Class Modeling.

This phase is performed after the Analysis and Component modeling phases areModels of the requirements that can be tested using Verifier, and transformed intoClass diagrams are used to capture theThe Executable Modeling phase proceeds by capturing patterns of characteristics andThese patterns are partitioned by the. Components of the system. The characteristics are captured in units called Classes. OnceClass modeling focuses on data structure and functional behavior equally. Historically and for good reasons, implementation-centric flows have put much moreWhile you can certainly use. BridgePoint to document behavior without exploring the structure of the data veryMore RAM means more data to manage, and modelers of data intensive applicationsWe encourage you to exploreThings to know:Component you will be developing and which test bench Components you willClass Identification. Start by searching the analysis documentation. All analysis deliverables are relevant; Use. Cases, Sequences and Activity diagrams. In an ideal world, every aspect of theYou can take eachIt is helpful to considerThis is not always easy,Diagrams are not always the best way to capture them in any case. Write a short description of each thing. IfIf this is the case,Identify characteristicsA characteristic is some atomic piece ofReview this list of candidate things with your peers, challenge each entry, and reach aComplete means that it contains every conceptComplete also means that every. Be suspicious of any concept that has neitherDecide on a classification system that will allow you to find items in your collection ofUse this classification to create a tree of nested PackagesTo help with the classification look forName the Package after this centralIf it makes it easy to findNow create classes for each thing in the list you have created.

If this is not the first diagram being created, then review the list of Classes alreadyIf a captured ClassMigrate attributes to the sub-types asIt is common that one of the classes in the Package has theIf a concept is marked as already created, create an. Imported Class, and assign it to the existing Class instead. For new Classes, capture yourAdd the characteristics you have found as Attributes of theNever accept string Attributes that specify a format in theAdding descriptions for everything may seem likeNow start to document the relationships between different classes. Identify groups of like. Where one conceptCapture the numericDevise phrases so that they read well no matter which Class youWhen complete, review the diagram with your peers. Specifying Class Behavior. In order to be executable, we will need to add more detail to formally define the requiredA description of the structure of OAL is outsideManual. Start this work by constructing Sequence, Communication or Activity diagrams for each. The procedure for creating each of these diagrams is found in theSearch the list of interfaces attached to the Component container to identify the incomingIt is possibleFollowing the procedures for the relevant interaction diagram,Classes to support the interaction being documented. It may be necessary to create additional helper classes to progress the interactionPresentation. Presentation classes are often put between the Actor and the core ClassPresentation classesThey should be organized in a separate Package hierarchy since they form the basis forControl type classes organize the configuration orWhen a need for additional Classes is identified, do not add them directly to the SequenceInstead, add them to the appropriate Class diagram Package,Similarly, where a Sequence diagram calls for a message to be handled by an existingThis saves time by not requiring the conversion of anThe same advice applies to the addition of. Attributes.

Creating state-charts is covered in detail in the nextNow, use the Sequence and Activity diagrams to guide construction of the Object Action. Language for each State, Transition and Operation. Review all the new material. Once all OAL is complete, build a test bench model that provides stimuli to drive theUse Verifier to execute the test bench. Confirm that theState Modeling. State modeling is performed after the Classes have been abstracted. They confirm theState Machines are used to formally capture the lifecycle stages and incidents that anInstances of a Class generally have aState machines comprise. States which are occupied for significant periods of time (significant may be measured inOf course, it isFirst, we examine the requirements we want instances of our class to satisfy. If there is aList the stages and give each stage a goodFor each stage you listed, create a State symbol and give it the name you selected. NowEnumerate these, againAdd a new Event for eachNow, for each State on the diagram, consider each Event in turn and decide whether itIf it does, decide what State theAfter adding a Transition, it is essential to return to the list of Events and continueThis is because a given State mayEvents along the top). Fill in the matrix cells for the transitions already found by writingFor each empty cell (that is, each combination of State and. Event) that is empty, consider these three possibilities:In the first case, mark the cell CH. In the second case, enter EI. In the third case, identifyReview all Matrix cells in this way; do not be tempted to skip any cells. For each State, consider whether an instance can begin its life in that state. If so, considerTo create a class based State Machine, the steps are the same as for an instance based. State Machine. The difference is in the preparation of the lists of States and Events. The. States and Events must be common and apply equally to all instances of the class.

InAlternatively, the class being worked on may be designed to not have any instances at all. Secondly, examine the list of Interfaces exposed by the containing Component. For each. Interface, look at the incoming Signals and consider whether any are relevant to the lifeIf so, add them to a third list. Now perform the same steps described above, but using these class based lists of States. Signals and Events. For all Transitions, consider Signals as well as Events.Model Verification is the step that confirms the Executable Model satisfies theModel section. To perform effective Model Verification, a project must have reached theIt is preferable thatTextual requirements should beSign-offs and approvals haveTo perform accurate and efficient Model Verification, the following high level steps areBuild up from single classes, to larger andUse the Test Bench Components supplied by the System level engineering team toModel Compilation is the final step that moves the project from an abstract modelThe key technology used in this step is thePrior to performing this step, the project team mustCompletion of theseSteps to performing Effective Model Compilation. The steps to run the BridgePoint model compiler on a project are:Model Compilers provide a means for users to select among options and configurationThis is much like the command line options given whenThe process of. Marks are established prior toTo mark a model with options for code generation:BridgePoint Eclipse Help sections of the tool documentation.BridgePoint xtUML models are translatable. This feature is the ?t? in xtUML. This process isMellor and Balcer provide an introduction to the model compilers and. The xtUML Training materials also provide an overviewHere is a high-level overview of how it works. Figure 1. The process itself is not magic. There are known inputs, a tool to capture and process the inputs,The model translation process, first and foremost, needs an input model.


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