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Bryston 11B User Guide | Full Text

Bryston 11B User Guide | Full Text


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Bryston 11B User Guide | Full Text

The service procedures recommended by Haier and described in this service manual are effective methods of performing service operations. Some of these service operations require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose. The special tools should be used when and as recommended. Adjust the items including Picture, Sound, TV, Features, and Parental. This mode optimises for DVD player, camcorder, and other video appliances inputs. Sound Menu The Sound menu provides audio adjustment for user to modify the audio setting. 1. This is the country you are in, or the country whose channels you want to receive if you live near its borders. 2. Audio Carrier (ATV only): Select Stereo, Dual 1, Dual 2, or Mono for ATV channel. 3. This menu gives users the most flexibilities to satisfy their generally demands. According to the various requirements in different source modes, certain features should be hidden (disable) on the menu. The details footnotes will be described clearly below. 1. All settings apply to digital channels. Note: This function operates according to information from the broadcasting station. Therefore if the signal has no information, this function does not operate. OAD Operation OAD for Software Update function: 1. When you get the updating news from the TV shop’s web, you can update the operation software using the Download menu. The software will be updated completely after restart the TV. NOTE: You must not switch off the unit during this process. Tips Care of the screen Do not rub or strike the screen with anything hard as this may scratch, mar, or damage the screen permanently. Use the white and red connectors to connect the external audio from the same source. VOL - VOL -: Press to decrease the sound volume level.Please go to for the latest information. A626N Mechanical Parts List Screws List No. Part No. Description Q'ty Part No. Description Type Part No.Please go to for the latest information. A626N E26AG2NB3WH62N Location Part No.

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Mivel azonos frekin mukodik a kabel, es a digitalis tuner, ezert egy kozositot kellett beiktatnom, amit kezzel kell kapcsolni. Ezzel semmi gond nincs is, de ha atkapcsolom a kabelre, es ugy kapcsolom ki, akkor par ora elteltevel (altalaban egy ejszaka ) a keszenleti ledje (ami amugy vilagit folyamatosan ) elkezd villogni, es nem tudom bekapcsolni a tv-t, csak ha kihuzom a konnektorbol. Megkerdeztem akitol lett veve, es azt mondja, hogy a digitalis resze frissit valamit amikor ki van kapcsolva, Lehet benne valami, mert ha nem kapcsolom at a kabelre, akkor tokeletesen mukodik. A menuben megkerestem az automata update pontot es disabledre allitottam, de igy sem jo. Amugy magyar a menuje, csak a digitalis tv menuje angol. Viszont mar lejart a mindigtv kartyam, es a kabelen amugy is tobb ado jonne be, de ez igy elegge idegesito, hogy allandoan Tudtok valami megoldast ra? Elore is koszonom. Udv.Ahogy idekerult, zarlatos volt a tapfet, es szakadt volt a 2.7 ohm 5 W-os ellenallas. A tap IC sem uszta meg, ezt is cserelni kellett. A optocsatolot is csereltem a biztonsag kedveert. 47 uF 25-os elkot is csereltem a primer oldalon, pedig merve meg ez is jo volt. A tap es a tv elindult, de idonkent visszaallt keszenletbe. Antennarol nezve a kep kozepen egy vekony (kb. 2 mm szelessegu) csik is latszodott. AV-n ez nem latszott. Tovabba 3 RGB csik latszott a kep tetejen mint amikor a flyback generator gyengelkedik a fuggoleges vegfokban. A fuggoleges elteritokorben is jonak mertem a kondenzatorokat, ezert arra gyanakodtam hogy a tapegyseg kisebb feszultseget ad le a javitas utan. MInt kiderult a tap nem szabalyozhato a potival nem tudtam allitani. Felretettem a tv-t, hogy masnap reggel folytatom, de itt ert a meglepetes: Bedugtam, es a biztositek a fet-el egyutt megint elszallt. Lenyegebe a tapegyseg primer odalan mindent atmertem. Valoszinuleg a tuloldalon lesz valami, az optocsatolo kornyeken merthogy nem is szabalyozhato. Van valami otletetek. Koszonom elore is!

You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). The special tools should be used when and as recommended. It is important to note that this manual contains various CAUTIONS and NOTICES which should be carefully read in order to minimize the risk of personal injury to service personnel. The possibility exists that improper service methods may damage the equipment. It is also important to understand that these CAUTIONS and NOTICES ARE NOT EXHAUSTIVE. Haier could not possibly know, evaluate and advise the service trade of all conceivable ways in which service might be done or of the possible hazardous consequences of each way. Consequently, Haier has not undertaken any such broad evaluation. Accordingly, a servicer who uses a service procedure or tool which is not recommended by Haier must first satisfy himself thoroughly that neither his safety nor the safe operation of the equipment will be jeopardized by the service method selected. Hereafter throughout this manual, Haier Company will be referred to as Haier. WARNING Use of substitute replacement parts, which do not have the same, specified safety characteristics might create shock, fire, or other hazards. Under no circumstances should the original design be modified or altered without written permission from Haier. Haier assumes no liability, express or implied, arising out of any unauthorized modification of design. Servicer assumes all liability. FOR PRODUCTS CONTAINING LASER: DANGER-Invisible laser radiations when open AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM. CAUTION-Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. CAUTION -The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.

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It was armed with the new 100 mm D-54TS tank gun.He had already led the development of the relatively minor upgrades to the T-54 that produced the T-54A (Ob'yekt 137G) and T-54B (Ob'yekt 137G2), and began development of a more major update as the T-54M (Ob'yekt 139).The new tank had a suspension with six light road wheels made of aluminium. The turret was cast and armed with the same D-54TS tank gun and included the Molniya two-plane stabilization system. The tank carried 50 rounds and was powered by a V-36 diesel engine developed by engineer Artiemejev. The engine was placed on the bottom of the hull, a solution that reduced the height of the engine compartment. The Ob'yekt 140 weighed 37.6 tonnes.The trials showed that because of the complicated construction of many of the tank's systems, Kartsev's tank would be expensive in serial production and hard to maintain.This design was more similar to the original T-54, but incorporated one useful feature from the Ob'yekt 140; the upper fuel tanks were fitted with mounts for tank gun ammunition. This increased the ammunition load carried by the tank to 45 rounds.He fitted it with a cartridge-case ejector and mounted it onto a stretched T-55 chassis. He also considered that designs based on already produced vehicles had a higher chance of acceptance. The Ob'yekt 140 turret diameter, bigger than the T-55 turret by 249 mm, made redesigning the central part of the hull necessary. Kartsev changed the arrangement of the torsion beams, which was necessary to keep the tank's weight balanced. In January 1962, the Ob'yekt 165 was accepted for service under the name T-62A.The 100 mm D-10T and D-54 tank guns had a fierce opponent in the form of the British L7A1 tank gun.

The modifications done to the gun included removing the rifling of the gun, reducing the profile of the bullet chamber, removing the muzzle brake, lengthening the gun tube, adding an automatic cartridge-case ejector, and adding a bore evacuator in the middle of the gun tube (as opposed to the D-45TS tank gun, which had a bore evacuator in the base of the gun tube). When it went into serial production, it received the designation 2A20. It was put in trials against the D-10TS tank gun, which armed the T-54B as well as some T-55 and T-55A medium tanks. It became apparent that the maximum range of the new tank gun was almost double that of the D-10TS. The only serious drawback of the U-5TS tank gun was the fact that it was not as accurate as the D-10TS, because of the lack of rifling.In 1960, both Ob'yekt 165 and Ob'yekt 166 prototypes passed their trials. The Uralvagonzavod was preparing to start serial production of the new tank, though the General Armoured Directorate (GBTU) was paying much more attention to Morozov's Ob'yekt 430, which was in development since early 1952. Morozov was supported by general Ustinov, who was in charge of Soviet military industry at the time. He did not see it as necessary to produce the new tank from Uralvagonzavod but soon the situation changed dramatically with the appearance of a new American main battle tank, the M60. In 1961, Soviet military intelligence discovered that Britain was working on a new main battle tank armed with a 120 mm tank gun. At a conference of GBTU and the Soviet ground forces committee, it became apparent that Morozov's Ob'yekt 430 tank was only 10 better than the serial T-55. Because of this, Morozov's project was deemed a complete failure. Though the representatives of Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau disclosed their work on the improved Ob'yekt 432 (which would ultimately become the T-64 ), Chuikov demanded that production of the Ob'yekt 166 medium tank be started immediately.

Two prototypes were built in the middle of 1961 and passed the trials. This time the GBTU decided not to wait for the new medium tank to pass trials and sent the Ob'yekt 166 into mass production in July 1961.Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( May 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The four-man crew consists of the commander, driver, gunner and loader. Although the T-62 is very similar to the T-55 and makes use of many of the same parts, there are some differences. These include the hull, which is a few centimetres longer and wider, the different road wheels, and differences in characteristic uneven gaps between road wheels.The tank carries 40 rounds for the main gun (although only 4 are placed in the turret, the rest are stored in the back of the fighting compartment and in the front of the hull, to the right of the driver) and 2500 rounds for the coaxial machine gun. All of the vehicle's armament is mounted in or on the round cast egg-shaped turret from the Ob'yekt 140 prototype main battle tank, mounted over the third pair of road wheels. The 115 mm gun introduced the first successful APFSDS ammunition, albeit with a steel penetrator. Empty cartridges are automatically ejected outside the vehicle through a small hatch in the rear of the turret. The gun has a range of effective fire of about 4 km during day conditions and 800 m (with the use of night vision equipment) at night.The tank in the picture has either damaged or disassembled torsion bars and its hull lies on the ground. Notice the two optional 200-litre drum-type fuel tanks. It has five pairs of rubber-tired road wheels, a drive sprocket at the rear and idler at the front on each side, with no return rollers. The first and last road wheels each have a hydraulic shock absorber. The tank is powered by the V-55 12-cylinder 4-stroke one-chamber 38.

88-litre water-cooled diesel engine developing 581 hp (433 kW) at 2,000 rpm. This is the same engine as the one used in the T-55. Because the T-62 weighs more than the T-55, it is less manoeuvrable. Like the T-55, the T-62 has three external diesel fuel tanks on the right fender and a single auxiliary oil tank on the left fender. The tank carries 960 litres of fuel in its internal and external fuel tanks.Like the T-54 and T-55, the T-62 has an unditching beam mounted at the rear of the hull. The tank can be fitted with a thin snorkel for operational usage and a large diameter snorkel for training. The thin snorkel can be disassembled and carried in the back of the turret when not used. The commander's cupola is located on the left of the top of the turret. The loader has a single piece hatch located on the right side of the turret and further back than the commander's cupola. The loader's hatch has a periscope vision block that can be used to view the areas in front of and behind the vehicle. The commander's cupola has four periscopes, two are located in the hatch cover while the other two are located in the forward part of the cupola. There are two other smaller searchlights. One of these is used by the commander and is mounted on his cupola. The tank has two headlights on the right front of the vehicle, one of which is infrared while the other one is white. Curved hand rails around the turret allow easier entry for the commander, the gunner, and the loader. They also help the infantry to mount and dismount the tank while performing a tank desant.Although the tank commander may override the gunner and traverse the turret, he cannot fire the main gun from his position. First, the T-62 was more than twice the price of the T-55, and many Warsaw Pact nations passed on the new tank because they did not feel that the improvements inherent in it warranted the cost. Secondly, in 1968, a 100 mm HVAPDS tank shell capable of piercing Western armour was developed.

Use of this shell made the T-55 gun almost as effective as the T-62s, undercutting the T-62's original selling point: a bigger, more powerful gun.It carries 40 rounds for the main gun and 2500 rounds for the PKT coaxial general-purpose machine gun. The V-55V engine produces 581 hp (433 kW). It is fitted with an R-112 (or R-130) radio, an AB-1 APU and an antenna base on top of the turret. The ammunition load was decreased to 36 for the main gun and 1,750 rounds for the coaxial general-purpose machine gun. It was mainly used by company and battalion commanders. It has a 9M14 Malyutka (NATO: AT-3 Sagger) ATGM launcher on the rear of turret and a new chassis with return rollers and smaller road wheels. It is fitted with a BDD applique armour package, an additional belly armour plate for anti-mine protection, 10 mm thick reinforced rubber side skirts and 10 mm thick anti-neutron liner. The BDD applique armour package brings the frontal armour to nearly equivalent to the early T-64A and T-72 Ural and consists of an applique plate on the glacis and two horseshoe shaped blocks fitted to the front of the turret. This armour should be proof against all 84mm and 90mm tank gun rounds at all ranges, 105mm APDS and HEAT, 84mm and 106mm recoilless rifle HEAT rounds and many 1st generation anti-tank missiles as well as the M72A3 LAW and RPG-7. The handrails around the turret have been removed to make space for the bra applique armour. Fastenings for four spare track chain links have been added on the side of the turret. The tank is fitted with RhKM tracks from the T-72 main battle tank and two additional shock absorbers on the first pair of road wheels. The ammunition load was increased by two rounds. Some are fitted with two clusters of four smoke grenade launchers each on the right rear of the turret. It does not have ATGM capability but has TNA-2 navigation aids, additional R-112 and R-113 radio sets and an AB-1 auxiliary engine to power the additional radios.

The tank has a lower ammunition load for both the main gun and the coaxial general-purpose machine gun.It consisted of a stretchable screen with net structure centered on the vehicle's main armament and lateral flipper-type sideskirts. It was intended for T-54, T-55 and T-62 tanks. The diameter of the screens was different for each tank type. The individual screen sections could be replaced in two minutes. While it was successful in wide open spaces, it was an impractical in wooded areas. It was developed between 1957 and 1962. It utilised the chassis and the hull of the T-62 tank and was fitted with a new low 'flattened dome' turret with a stabilised 2K8 ATGM system instead of the tank gun. The ATGM was launched from an arm rising through the roof of the turret. The secondary armament consisted of a 7.62 mm PKT general-purpose machine gun for which it carried 2,000 rounds. About 60 IT-1 tank destroyers were built between 1968 and 1970 by various companies including 20 built by the Uralvagonzavod factory in 1970. Only two battalions operated them, one with artillery personnel and one with tank personnel, with one battalion in Belarus MD and the other one in the Carpathian MD. The only differences from the standard IT-1 was that the turret was fixed in position after all the ATGM gear was removed. They are similar to the much more common T-54 -based BTS-4. The vehicle was fitted with a stowage basket, a hoist and a small folding crane with a capacity of 3 tonnes, a winch, and a snorkel. It was limited to basic towing operations and most were disposed of by giving them away as foreign aid.The modernization includes a replacement of the 115 mm tank gun with a 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. The Egyptian Army evaluated the vehicle and incorporated its upgrades in its RO-115 Mark I modernization.While retaining the Soviet 115 mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows engaging a target at greater range.

Some main guns were replaced with the Royal Ordnance L7 105 mm gun as offered by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British diesel engine developing 750 hp (559 kW), a two-plane stabiliser, ballistic computer, laser rangefinder in an armoured box over the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 IFV and additional armour including reactive armour.The tanks were fitted with a license-built German MTU engine developing 880 hp (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a license-built 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with ballistics computer, infrared vision device, laser rangefinder, gun stabiliser, additional armour including reactive armour, armoured side skirts, modernised suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It has an upgraded NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) protection system.This upgrade arms the tank with the 120 mm M-393 tank gun developed by FSUE. The upgrades resulted in a weight increase to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008. This vehicle is composed of a T-62M hull with a modified T-55 or T-55A turret which was cut in half; the upper part was bolted onto the hull in the 6 o'clock position. Used in the putting out of the Vitosha 2012 fire. The modernization includes a replacement of the 115 mm tank gun with a 120 mm smoothbore tank gun, the same as the one used in the AMX 40 prototype main battle tank. No orders were placed for this unit. A large open stowage bin was fitted to the turret rear, where stowed gear could unfortunately obstruct the hatch for the automatic cartridge case ejection system, with a lidded bin on the right of the turret. These bins were similar to those fitted on Tirans 4 and 5. The original 115 mm gun was retained, making IDF dependent on captured ammunition. An M2 Browning 12.7mm machine gun could be mounted on the mantlet of the main gun as a ranging gun.

Tiran 6 was apparently only deployed operationally during Operation Peace For Galilee and was withdrawn from service shortly afterwards as the arrival of further stocks of M60 and M60A1 from the USA made it unnecessary to use the T-62.A ballistic computer was added to the fire control suite, and the fire control suite has been integrated into a complete system rather than being a patchwork of upgrades. Gun stabilization has been improved. Radios are improved, and the suspension beefed up. The new engine is a 750-horsepower model which can lay a thick, oily smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel into its exhaust. Lugs for ERA (similar to the Russian Kontakt-3 ERA) added to turret sides, and lugs on the armoured track skirts and on the glacis. Lugs for a relatively small amount of ERA bricks on the turret front; the ERA on the turret front would only protect 40 of hits to the turret front. The fire control system replaced with one matching the new main gun, and the spent shell ejection system dispensed. It is fitted with the 5TDF 700 hp diesel engine, a 125 mm KBA-101 tank gun, new fire control equipment and enhanced armour protection. Combat weight is 39.5 tonnes. The crew still consists of 4 men because there is no automatic loader.Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. ( May 2008 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The two tanks together once comprised approximately 85 of the Soviet army's tanks. Later in the 1970s, the T-62 was rendered obsolete and was put into reserve service. The T-72 and T-80 later succeeded it.The T-62 (No. 545) was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade fired from the Type-56 (Chinese copy of RPG-2 ) RPG launcher on the morning of 15 March 1969 during a PLA counterattack.Towards the end of the war T-62Ms, using the BDD applique armour, appeared in large numbers.

The active duty and primary mobilization units mainly use the T-80, T-72, and T-64, with a smaller number of T-90 tanks in service in active units. The latest combat action of the T-62 was during the 2008 Russo-Georgian War where the T-62 fought with Russian ground forces; they were retired from active combat service afterwards to be put in storage to be reactivated in case of war.In one case a T-62M belonging to the Russian army was destroyed by a Georgian RPG in the streets of Tskhinvali.Following Askari, a meeting between Angolan, Cuban, and Soviet representatives concluded with a pledge to drastically accelerate the transfer of new weaponry to FAPLA.In response, Israeli commandos raided Egyptian positions in order to capture the tanks and analyze them. During the Yom Kippur war, the T-62 was an effective adversary for Israeli Patton and Centurion main battle tanks armed with 105 mm tank guns. The T-62 had an advantage in its better night-fighting capability, but Syrian losses were heavy.In 1982 a further 2150 were ordered; the delivery of which were completed in 1989.The Ethiopian Army later purchased T-62s and used them against guerrillas.There were 12,900 in 1985 and 11,300 in 1990. Another 100 were ordered in 1980 from the Soviet Union and delivered between 1981 and 1982. 120 more ordered in 1986 from the Soviet Union were delivered in 1986.Archived from the original on 15 June 2008.Retrieved 13 December 2009. Archived from the original on 14 October 2009. Retrieved 13 December 2009. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. ISBN 978-0-8032-8783-9 pp. 389-391 Retrieved 4 January 2015.Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014. Retrieved 15 November 2014.


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