Ca 1010 Service Manual |Full Fb2

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Ca 1010 Service Manual |Full Fb2

Ca 1010 Service Manual |Full Fb2


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Ca 1010 Service Manual |Full Fb2

Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage. Looking for other manual? For this no need registration. May be help you to repair. You could suffer a fatal electrical shock. Instead, contact your nearest service center. Note! To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. In addition, Also some files are djvu so you need djvu viewer to open them. These free programs can be found on this page: needed progs If you use opera you have to disable opera turbo function to download file. If you cannot download this file, try it with CHROME or FIREFOX browser. Translate this page: Relevant AUDIO forum topics: YAMAHA RX-V457 erosito tapegysegeben alkatresz azonositasa. Sziasztok! Nevezett erosito kerult hozzam, tapegyseg hibaval. Nemreg jart szervizben, de par het utan ismet megadta magat. Most ugyanez az ellenallas egett szet. A zener jo, viszont nem tudom az eredeti jelolese mit takarhat. Helyette Z10M lett berakva (ez sem sokat mond). Jo lenne konkretan tudni, mik lehettek, mert addig nem latom ertelmet tovabblepni es a tonkremenetel okat keresni. Udv,Z. Yamaha RX-V659 erosito nem kapcsol be -MEGOLDVA- Sziasztok. Van egy a cimben emlitett hazimozi erositom ami nem kapcsol be. Sok forumtemaban irtak a betap utani kondit, ezt csereltem valoban hibas volt, 5,8nF volt 22nF helyett. Nem hozott megoldast. Ellenallasok ertekei jok, a T651 trafon a bemeneten kb 20 volt AC-t merek, ha rovidrezarom a Q654-et akkor 0V-ot. D659-et kimerve jonak lattam. Valakinek otlete, hogy merre menjek tovabb. Megoldas: PRY fesz csak 2sec-re volt meg, utana tiltott a processzor. Ez a 2 sec is kellett volna o, hogy kapcsolja a relet, nem kapcsolta. Q652 tranyo volt a hibas. Yamaha RX-V595ARDS bekapcsolas utan azonnal kikapcsol. Sziasztok! A fenti Yamaha tuner erosito valo bekapcsolaskor azonnal kikapcsol. Ha egy soros ellenassal sorba kotom, (kb. 130V kerul a gepre) kifogastalanul mukodik.

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Igy szoktam inditani a zarlat-gyanus keszulekeket. A tapok jok (latszolag), brumm minimalis. Ahogy a mukodo keszulekre rakapcsolom a direkt tapot (220V), ismet azonnal kikapcsol. A trafo is latszolag jo, mert ha 220V ot kapcsolok ra, alig van aramfelvetele. Talalkozott mar valaki hasonloval. Koszonettel: Attila Yamaha HTR-2866 Internal error-t ir a kijelzojen Udv. Van ez a keszulek, bekapcsolaskor a fenti hibauzenetet irja ki. Mit lehet vele kezdeni. A YouTube-on van fent egy masik modellrol ilyen hiba kvazi megoldas, de eleg zavaros, hogy mit is csinal, milyen gombokat nyom meg, es amikor csinalja egy jokis resz ki is van takarva a kepbol. K sok ertelme volt igy feltenni. De olyasmit velek felfedezni benne, mintha az a gep elfelejtette volna fiu-e vagy lany, vagyis lefagyott az agya, es ujra kene tanitani, hogy melyik modellhez tartozik az agy, es mit vezereljen. Tudja-e valamelyikotok, hogy valojaban mi okozza, es mi lehet megoldas. Koszi! Similar manuals: You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). Please do not offer the downloaded file for sell only use it for personal usage. Looking for other manual? For this no need registration. May be help you to repair. You could suffer a fatal electrical shock. Instead, contact your nearest service center. Note! To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program. In addition, Also some files are djvu so you need djvu viewer to open them. These free programs can be found on this page: needed progs If you use opera you have to disable opera turbo function to download file. If you cannot download this file, try it with CHROME or FIREFOX browser. Translate this page: Relevant AUDIO forum topics: Yamaha AR-1500 gitar erosito kombo. 20W - parasztvakitas. Koszonom a hozzaszolasokat. Szevasztok Kollegak! Botoltam a fentit, na nem gitarozas celjara, ahhoz en keves lennek, hanem vonal szintu MP3 hanganyag bejatszasara alkalmankent egy kis kozossegben.

Azert is tetszett meg, mert konnyen lehet hurcolni villany bringaval is. Kiprobaltam, mukodik is rendesen. Nezzuk mar meg, hogy mi mohog benne, miutan rajzot nem talalt hozza a gugli baratom, csak egy hasznalati utasitast. Hangszoro. Nem centiztem le, ez van felirva ra. F.S.T F20615 4ohm NOM: 15W MAX: 30W M 2X061. A hasznalati utasitas szerint:Nezzuk meg, hogy mekkora teljesitmeny jon ki belole. Hatul az adat tablajan: 20 WATTS. A hasznalati utasitas szerint. Power Consuption 20W. Jo, ha a hangszoro 4 ohmos betettem a helyere egy 4 ohmos ellenallast, es azt neztem szkoppal. A bemenetre 1KHz szinuszt adtam. Novelve a kimeno jel nagysagat cirka 14Vpp korul kezdett lathato torzitas lenni. No, ha ezt visszaszamolom 4 ohmmal, az bizony mindossze 6.16W. Megneztem, hogy mi van benne.IC1, es IC2 C4558C. IC3 vegfok, nem olvastam le, ehhez teljesen szet kellett volna szedni, de egy TO-220 tokozasu 5 labu IC. Amiket sikerult beazonositanom: Pin5: Vcc; Pin3: Vee; Pin4: Out. Megneztem a tapfeszultsegeket. A tapfeszultsegek 2200uF 25V-tal szurve oldalankent. A halozati trafo jo kicsike, nem centiztem le, mert ahhoz megint teljesen szet kellett volna szerelni az erositot. Tudom, hogy kitalaltak ugyessegeket, ideznek egy interneten talalt mondatot. Nekem az egeszrol az jon be, hogy lattam, hogy a piacon arultak kicsi radiokat, amelyek a Szokolnal alig voltak nagyobb meretuek, es oles betukkel ra volt biggyesztve, hogy 200W. Elhiszem, hogy megetettek a nagyerdemuvel azt a zenei teljesitmeny mizeriat, de hogy egy 6W-os Yamaha erositore 20W-os tablat akasszanak fel, hat az egy kicsit nekem sok. Mi a velemenyetek? Udv.: Pista. Yamaha R-300 Sziasztok! Ez a receiver egy kisse megfogott.A vegfok Ic (STK 2030) csereje utan is a teljes tapfesz.Tonio Yamaha RX-V650 tap problema (nem C405) Kedves Mindenki. Segitseget kernek a fent nevezett erosito javitasahoz.

Szokasos segedtap hiba javitasa utan az tortenik, hogy bekapcsolas utan 1 masodperccel lekapcsol, tap hibara panaszkodik, melyben ugy nez ki igaza is van. PS PRT 022 D a hibakod, de a szerviz menuben 021-022 kozott ingazik. A nagy trafon 49.8V helyett 57V-ot a 77.1V helyett 82.8V-ot merek a muszerrel. Van valami tippetek. Gondolom tovabbra is a segedtapon kellene keresgelnem. Elore is koszonok minden hozzaszolast. Gabor Folyt.: segedtap ok. Tulterheles lesz, nezem tovabb a tobbi panelt. Yamaha R3 FM vetel gyenge Sziasztok. Adott ez a Yamaha R3 radios erosito, aminek az fm vetele nagyon gyenge. Az automata kereso nem all meg, kezi keresessel bejonnek az adok, de csak 1 -2 eross ado jon be tisztan, a tobbi zugassal. A jelerosseg - kijelzo sem mutat semmit meg a legerossebb adonal sem, viszont a sztereo led (csak) ennel kigyul. Tapfeszek megvannak ugy a front-end panelon mint utana a TR101 tranyon es az IC101 en. Probaltam a manualban leirtak szerint beallitani az fm reszt (muszerek hianyaban csak amit szemre-fulre meg lehet csinalni). Az AM savban mukodik az automata kereso es meg is all az adokon, sajna mar csak 2 gyenge ado foghato kozephullamon, a jelerosseg-kijelzo is mukodik. Nemigazan tudom merre kene kutakodjak tovabb, hogy gatyaba razzam az fm vetelt, ebben kernek segitseget. Udv. Similar manuals: You can write in English language into the forum (not only in Hungarian). Please use the form below to log in, or click the 'sign-up' tab to create a new account. Please let us know if you have any questions or comment on how we run Hifi-Manuals. The owners manual is used as an reference guide, instruction manual and instruction book. The service manual functions as a repair guide for troubleshooting and sometimes contains tips for refurbishing and modifications. The schematic is a technical drawing or diagram of your system, a perfect supplement to the Service Manual. Brochures often advertise certain specifications, the release date and the original price.

Use this to complete your collection or to provide as a nice touch when you put your system on sale. This data is collected and thus shared with Google. Got it. All files are provided under strict licence and reproduction without prior permission or for financial gain is strictly prohibited. If you have additional documentation please consider donating a copy to our free archive. It is phenomenal, almost religious, experience. I have driven many different speakers with it - nary an issue. But, there seems to be something magical that occurs with vintage Yamaha and either vintage Klipsch or vintage JBL. The CA-1010 made my Forte II's sing beautifully, esp in Pure A mode. Reviewed Apr 12th, 2018 by Whaleblue Just lovely, but don’t forget to attenuate modern 2v sources to get the best out of this amp. Reviewed May 10th, 2017 by 1q2w3e4r Fantastic amplifier 40 years old Reviewed Feb 14th, 2016 by crazykiwi I had a Yamaha CR-640 for years and never really found anything special about it. I was always partial to warm receivers with a laid back sound and warmth and some unique colouration. So I would lean towards older Sony, Marantz and others. After complaining to someone recently about Yamaha, they convinced me to try a Yamaha CA-1010. I was blown away. The sound was very confident, the imaging was fantastic and the presentation was transparent. Very little was added to the music but it felt sweet and 'natural' as the tag line states. Reviewed Aug 21st, 2014 by rexsalvatorenakamichi A splendid monster that after 35 years it is able to reproduce the movement of an arc on the ropes of the violin without lifting the volume to more than 5w. We remember besides that with a simple click passes from AB in class A. Non introduces any opacizzazzione of the commands and the thick external caress. The tools seem to dance illuminated by a discreet retroilluminazione. Do you want to know more of it. You ask and I will respond you. Good listening to the fortunate holders.

Comments Forty-three years later I still own this beautiful amp. I lent it for ten years to my musician son who very much enjoyed it and has now returned it (to heavy to take on the road) to his father- thank God!! The JBL's are in storage and need to be repaired but I am now running Tannoy 66's with a small Polk Audio sub woofer and the sound is warm and beautiful. To purchase CA-1010 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. I have a number of Yamaha service manuals and would be happy to return the favor for some partial scans (CA-810, CA-2010, CR-2020, A-1, etc.). Thank you.Techman777 doesn't seem to have copy, and I'd like to double check my new 2010.Appreciate the thought, though!:thmbsp:Click to expand. Insure it can handle a 2meg attachment.I'm glad pmsummer was able to get all he needed from you.:thmbsp: TomAnd thanks to OvenMaster!!Wonderful units.Any chance I could get a copy of thos epages as well? thanks.Any chance I could get a copy of thos epages as well? thanks. Click to expand. I got the M4 and C2 service manuals from him and they are well done - tempted to get the 1010 now as well.I saw this post last night, but the computer with the manual you sent me is at my office and I am not there thanks!Sent this AM. TomThe Relais is klicking several Times, befor it settled down. Then is there a buzz-noise You can here. This is also gone after a few Minutes. Maybe You Guys, can send me a PM or SM ? Darko. Factory paper or reprint manuals may be available; if required, please send inquiry with your location for a quote which includes shipping and handling charges.Specifications Characteristics Block Diagram Internal View. Top View Bottom View. Disassembly Procedures. Printed Circuit Boards.

Power Supply Electrolytic Capacitor Bd Function PCB, Meter Lamp PCB Tone control PCB Main Circuit Board Meter Circuit Board Coupler Circuit Board. Adjustment. Function Circuit Board Meter Circuit Board Main Circuit Board. Schematic Diagram by Export Zone Schematic Diagram Wiring Package PARTS MANUAL If you require a copy custom scanned for you without use restrictions, (for sharing or for posting online), contact us for a quote. After payment completion, you will be returned to our website and presented with the download link(s). We highly recommend logging into, or registering an account PRIOR to adding items to cart. The reason is if you wish to download later (up to 60 days), you will need the password to log into your account to access purchase history. If you have trouble figuring out how to download a product after purchase, please visit our how to download tutorial page HERE. Or Email us so we may help you with this.By placing an order, you agree to these terms.Advanced Search. Please choose a different delivery location.Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. Please try again.Please try again.This is NOT an original as originals are out of print, but we use the best scans available. Plastic Comb Bound with clear plastic on front and back covers to help protect manual. All manuals are in public domain or printed with permission. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Register a free business account If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support ? To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon.

It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. II service manual - Related Catalogues. Stereo Amplifiers and Tuners. CA-1000 Amplifier pdf manual download. Lots of people charge for motorcycle service and workshop manuals online which is a bit cheeky I reckon as they are freely available all over the internet. ?5 each online or download them in here for free!! I was always partial to warm receivers with a laid back sound and warmth and some unique colouration. So I would lean towards older Sony, Marantz and others.Yamaha has provided a variety of products and services centered on sound and music.Yamaha FZS1000 FZS 1000 Model History and Technical Specifications HERE. Yamaha FZS1000 FZ1 FZS 1000 Workshop Service Repair Manual 2001 - 2005 HERE. Yamaha FZX700 Fazer FZX 700 Illustrated Online Parts Diagram Schematics HERE.The Yamaha Owner's Manual Section offers the ability to view Owner's Manuals for many past Yamaha models. Please select your country or region. We offer Yamaha user manuals and owners manuals online. Download an online owners manual, user manuals, repair, service or instructions manual for your electronics, stereo, tv's, cameras, boat and more. This manual will provide you with a good basic understanding of the operation and. Service Manual. We do recommend, however, that items requiring special tools or equipment be done by a Yamaha generator dealer. Q. Will the warranty be void or cancelled if I do. I have checked the idling current and DC offset in both class A and class AB, the power amp section works fine as does the headphone amp. Share contact information Yamaha CA-1010 Have Yamaha CA-1010.Yamaha A-07 Yamaha A-07 Specifications Power output: 30 watts per channel into 8? (stereo) Frequency response. Yamaha CD-X2 Yamaha CD-X2 Specifications Disc format: CD Digital converter: YM4006, 16 bit linear CD Mechanism: M. Yamaha A-U671 Yamaha A-U671 Specifications Power output: 70 watts per channel into 6? (stereo) Frequency respons.

Yamaha AX-300 Yamaha AX-300 Specifications Power output: 30 watts per channel into 8? (stereo) Frequency respons. Yamaha AX-330 Yamaha AX-330 Specifications Power output: 30 watts per channel into 8? (stereo) Frequency respons. Integrated Amplifiers 0 Comments 2017-09-03 12:31:15 2019-11-11 20:28:51 Have Yamaha CA-1010.Nippon Gakki Co. Ltd. (currently Yamaha Corporation) was established in 1887 as a piano and reed organ manufacturer by Torakusu Yamaha in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture and was incorporated on October 12, 1897. The company's origins as a musical instrument manufacturer are still reflected today in the group's logo-a trio of interlocking tuning forks.It was a 125cc, single cylinder, two-stroke, street bike patterned after the German DKW RT125 (which the British munitions firm, BSA, had also copied in the post-war era and manufactured as the Bantam and Harley-Davidson as the Hummer). In 1955, the success of the YA-1 resulted in the founding of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., splitting the motorcycle division from the company.Yamaha purchased Sequential Circuits in 1988. It bought a majority stake (51) of competitor Korg in 1987, which was bought out by Korg in 1993.The Yamaha PSS-14 and PSS-15 keyboards were upgrades to the Yamaha PSS-7 and were notable for their short demo songs, short selectable phrases, funny sound effects and distortion and crackly sounds progressing on many volume levels when battery power is low.Six archers in five different Olympic Games won gold medals using their products.Yamaha intends to continue manufacturing at the Bosendorfer facilities in Austria. The acquisition of Bosendorfer was announced after the NAMM Show in Los Angeles, on January 28, 2008. As of February 1, 2008, Bosendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH operates as a subsidiary of Yamaha Corp.Other noteworthy Yamaha electronics include the SHS-10 Keytar, a consumer-priced keytar which offered MIDI output features normally found on much more expensive keyboards.

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ThePress and release to show the waypoPAGE Buttons Access system functions or change what you see on-screen. ACTIVE DATA If the cursor. We know from our users’ experience that most of people do not really attach importance to these manuals. Many instructions, immediately after the purchase, go into the trash along with the box, which is a mistake. Get acquainted with the information concerning the manual for Raymarine C90w, which will help you to avoid troubles in the future. You will then acquire basic knowledge to maintain Raymarine C90w in good operating condition to make it easily reach the intended life cycle. Then you can put away the manual on a shelf and use it again only in a situation where you're not sure whether you perform maintenance of the product appropriately. Proper maintenance is a necessary part of your satisfaction from Raymarine C90w. Once a year, clean the closet where you keep all your devices manuals and throw out the ones that you don't use. This will help you maintain order in your home base of manuals. This product uses digital chart data, and electronic information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) which may contain errors. The W aste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Powering the Display Off 1. Press and hold the POWER button until the countdown reaches zero. The outer ring is the ROT AR Y C ONTROL, which is used to adjust values. In the middle of the Unicontrol is the OK button, which is used to select options. ACTIVE Selects which of the split windows is active. Alternatively, use the appropriate softkey to select the relevant application page. GPS receiver selection Y ou must con?gure your multifunction display to use either the internal GPS receiver, or an externally-connected GPS receiver. Y ou can also specify a local time of fset from Universal T ime Constant (UTC), to compensate for any time zone dif ference.

Removing a CompactFlash Card 1. If the multifunction display is powered on, press the MENU button. Y our multifunction display can save up to 3000 waypoints, 150 routes and 15 tracks in database lists. With the RayT ech V6.0 (or later) software you can transfer waypoints and routes via a CompactFlash memory card. All system data is managed by the data master. By default, all waypoints are indicated on screen by a waypoint symbol ( x ). This symbol can be changed if required. Erasing waypoints Erasing a W aypoint Using the Cursor In the chart or radar application: 1. Using the trackpad, position the cursor over the waypoint you want to erase. In order to make your waypoints easier to manage, you can organize them into groups of your choice. All other options including GOTO CURSOR are unaffected. Zoom in to check for hazards, such as small shoals, that may not be shown on a smaller scale chart. Although you will probably only do this when you ?rst use the chart, you may decide to make subsequent adjustments once you become more familiar with the system. This affects COG and HDG (heading) vectors. Marks Symbols Determines which set of navigation mark symbols is used — International, or US. Panning around the display 1. T o pan around the display, press the trackpad in the direction in which you want to pan. 2. Press and hold the trackpad in the relevant direction to pan continuously. Chart scale and radar range synchronization Y ou can synchronize the radar range in all radar windows with the chart scale. Displaying pilot book information In the chart application, when a port symbol is displayed: 1. Using the trackpad, move the cursor over the port symbol. 2. Press the OK button. Alternatively, select a waypoint from the W aypoint List. 2. Press the ERASE W A YPOINT softkey. 3. Press the YES softkey to con?rm, or NO softkey to cancel. A route is displayed on screen as a series of waypoints linked by a line.

Note: If you place a waypoint at the wrong position, press the UNDO W A YPOINT softkey. It can now be displayed, edited and erased etc.Note: If a track break occurs, only the last segment is converted to a route. Once the alarm is acknowledged the next waypoint is selected, the display updates to indicate the next leg of the route, and the system sends the new navigation data to the autopilot. Resetting Cross T rack Error (XTE) While following a route in the chart application: 1. Press the REST ART XTE softkey. Editing a route Once you have created a route, it can be edited in a variety of ways. Removing a waypoint from a route In the chart application: 1. Using the trackpad, move the cursor over the waypoint you want to remove. 2. Press the REMOVE W A YPOINT softkey. A track is an on-screen trail that represents the course you have taken. This trail is made up of a series of track points which are created automatically. Editing a track Once you have created a track, it can be edited in a variety of ways. Note: Before you can use the 3D chart applicaton, your multifunction display must be receiving accurate heading and position data from a suitable source (such as a GPS, for example). Ideally, the 3D chart application should be con?gured before ?rst use. Y ou may also want to make additional adjustments as you become more familiar with the application. The 3D chart application relies on appropriate cartographic data stored on CompactFlash chart cards. Y ou can also view the chart from dif ferent positions relative to your boat. This depth scale moves up and down to indicate the approximate depth below your vessel. Adjusting the exaggeration has the effect of vertically stretching objects on the chart, making it easier to see their shape and position. With the charts displayed side by side, a comprehensive view of the surrounding area is available. As with all multiple page sets, the active window is indicated by a red border.

T o make changes to an application it must be the active window. As you rotate and pitch the vessel symbol on the display, or use the pan and zoom controls, the blue polygon moves on the 2D chart to indicate the boundaries of the area currently shown on the 3D chart. The autopilot is disengaged, and put into standby mode. 8.2 Autopilot control Y ou can use your multifunction display to control your autopilot. Autopilot is in T rack mode. Autopilot is in Auto mode. No autopilot detected. Autopilot alarm active. Dodge mode is active. Fish Mode is active. Autopilot calibration. Power steering active. Wind V ane mode is active. Not all radar echoes are produced by valid targets. At zero, the ef fective antenna size matches its actual size. At 95, the effective antenna size is doubled. Adjusting digital radar sea gain In the radar application: 1. Press the GAIN softkey. 2. Press the BUOY MODE, HARBOUR MODE, COAST AL MODE, or OFFSHORE MODE softkey, as appropriate. 3. Press the same softkey again. Enabling radar expansion In the radar application: 1. Press the ENHANCE ECHOES softkey. 2. Press the EXP ANSION softkey repeatedly until the ON option is selected. 3. Press the OK button. This is the default. Enables you to remove areas of clutter at a distance from your vessel. Adjust the control to obtain the maximum signal strength. If you adjust the setting shortly after powering up the radar scanner, you should adjust it again approximately 10 minutes after powering up the scanner, as the required setting will change after the magnetron has warmed up. Enabling radar expansion In the radar application: 1. Press the ENHANCE ECHOES softkey. 2. Press the EXP ANSION softkey repeatedly until the ON option is selected. 3. Press the OK button. When this line is rotated to align with a target, its bearing relative to your boat’ s heading is measured and displayed on the ADJUST EBL softkey. Enabling and disabling radar warning alarms 1. Press the MENU button. 2.


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